Does anyone actually read zombie apocalypse books?


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I've been writing this book and I have pretty much the whole plot of the whole series planned out. It's about a mutant virus that takes over. I've heard of those books/movies I Am Legend and The Road and Contagion. Personally I would read my book but if I'd just heard "it's about a zombie apocalypse" I'd say no because there are not many different ways you can go with that sort of book and generally they're really predictable.

I'm finding myself really unhappy that it's a book about an apocalypse but I've done SO much work on the plot and am proud of it...

I want to start with a new idea that's not about an apocalypse and stuff, but yet I've come so far with this one. But I don't want to continue? I don't know. What do you think I should do?
Save your work, DO NOT DELETE. Be creative. Use the same plot,characters, and everything else, except change the virus into something unique. Maybe one person got into contact with toxic chemicals, had children, and their human and toxic mutation made a zombie, and started to continue and spread to make it through the entire world. Maybe make it a genetic gene that was recessive to the human gene-being dominant-and after years of being avoided started to kick in and something triggered it making it the dominant gene. I hoped I gave you some ideas.
Ever heard of "The Zombie Survival Guide" or "World War Z" ? Both written by Max Brooks, they were major sellers, very popular, even though the first one LITERALLY was a guide to survive a zombie apocalypse. If you think your writing is good, then by all means continue.