Does anyone else think that Obama is just a celebrity?


New member
Jul 4, 2009
He has not done anything and all I see him doing is television Interviews and not actually working….. But that’s what I think
ummm No I actually wanted obama to win
God Bless have that right....
No, I dont think he is just a celebrity. The man IS president, and he isnt going to be on camera doing everything.

The only reason that people say he is a celebrity is because he is part African American so 90% of the African American community seem to think he is the new Jesus. He can frankly have a plan to exterminate all black people, and they would still be freaking out about him.
Ok, I hear this a lot. You have, NO IDEA, what he goes through. The media shows you what they want you to think. Obama goes through a lot of crap. He does in fact a lot, Barack Obama is your PRESIDENT, so yes, he is working. The media doesnt want to show you pictures of him working, or they will lose viewers. They show him walking his dog, eating out, playing basketball, so they can make money. But this is NOT what he does all of the time.
yup, I agree with u 100%
yea, he's charming, charismatic, and clever
But wtf has he done in office besides having his picture taken thousands of times
You are wrong, he has done quite a lot. He has started us on the road to poverty and he has started us on the road to being a banana republic.

And yes, he is just a celebrity, with all the lack of historical references to coherent thought that the dimwitted celebrities in Hollywood lack.