Does anyone know about Jaguar cichlids?


May 25, 2008
i have set up a cichlid tank and i do know about various species of cichlid but there is only a little info available on the jaguar cichlid. I have used firemouths and convicts to establish the tank and they are going to be moving into a larger tank.
My tank is 5ft by 2ft by 2ft that im hoping the jags will go into....any ideas?
Thats a beautiful tank. Really. lmao. I wish I had it.

They do get about 16 inches... You say Jags as plural, so obviously you want more than one. Your tank is about 150 gallons I believe. I BELIEVE you could pull a pair off in that tank. It would seriously be pushing it, but I think you could do it. At the least, if you have a larger tank... Move the Jags into that. Males get to around 16 inches, and females usually only make it to about 10-14.

But two fish would be the absolute maximum in that tank. And if possible, it would be nice to get a pair. Two females would work fine (but seriously, an adult male's coloration is absolutely stunning), but you should avoid two males. A pair would probably be your best option.
Nice fish. Should be fine in that tank. They can grow up to about 16 inches and will become very territorial when breeding. Try feeding on floating cichlid pellets. Although they will take smaller fish. If you feed them exclusively on pellets there should be no problems. A bit of rock or slate on the bottom of the tank may encourage them to breed for you.