Does anyone know this Inuyasha episode?


New member
Sep 24, 2011
I just can't remember which episode this is. I watched it a long while ago, and now I can't find it d:
From what I remember, Kagome gets kidnapped and she's trapped in some kind of hot spring/bath in a room that was in a tree or something like that, and inuyasha had to go save her (again). And I think he was turned miniature too, or I might be thinking of a different episode, but I'm sure it's this one.. But he's turned miniature and put in this little model town or something like that. Does anyone know?
Yea, I was pretty sure Sango and Miroku weren't there yet, but I looked through a ton of episode descriptions up to that point, but none seem like the right one >.< I hate it when this happens xP lol
Yea, I was pretty sure Sango and Miroku weren't there yet, but I looked through a ton of episode descriptions up to that point, but none seem like the right one >.< I hate it when this happens xP lol
And YahooAnswers is deciding to be a jerk and send everything twice... -_- nice..
OH! Thats it!! Thank you so much! lol
I'm gunna go watch it now :D
i remember that! i dont know exactly what ep but i dont think they had friends yet.
that what the ep
about the magic fruit tree
made of souls,and inyuyasha was trapped in side a gord.
the captor was a creeper!
Fateful Night in Togenkyo Part I and Part 2 are what you're looking for
Episode 57 and 58 c:

Hope this helps c:
Crap! I remember it with the fruit tree and the faces on the fruits, evil monk , trapped doll hose .......What episode?...............YES IT WAS EPISODE 57 AND 58 I REMEMBER CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!
And miruku and Sango were there when it happened sorry.
I've seen that episode but I don't know what it's called! Yeah she gets kidnapped by some dude who's using the Sacred Crystal for Immortality and Inuyasha defeats him by pushing him of a cliff.