Does anyone know what this dream means. (ps the kid and I barely know each other)?


May 22, 2008
Ok so if this helps at all I was thinking about this boy I like before I went to sleep lastnight.
My dream: ok well apparently the genie from aladin saved us from and attack. Then the dream went to me and my two friends. And the three of us were wearing tights, blouses and skirts (3 or 4in above the knee?). So we were in Throop PA and my mom had us get something from this old church ( idk what we had to get) and I walk in the church and I see my confirmation teachers and some of the kids from my class (I received last year). And I see the kid j like (he goes to my church and was in my confirmation class) and he's carrying a bat bag. So I tap Jim on the shoulder because he was walking passed me. I said "dis I see you in Kelly's (a restaurant)?" (I did see him in Kelly's and we had a stare down kinda) and he replied "no I don't think so" I let out a dry laugh and said "oh reall then I was having a stare down w/ someone who looks like you" he shook his head lightly and kinda laughed saying "no im kidding it was me you saw it was deffinately me" I go "I thought so" he turned his head as if he saw someone and said " um how about you call me later-" "I don't have a cell phone but I have an iPod " (I think he knew I had a texting app) so I go to my iPod and go to contacts and give it to him so he could put in the number then one of his friends called my iPod ligit. So he said "ok well I'll talk to you later" and he smokers I said bye but then two girls that I know from confiation came into the room and he froze up.
Then my mom picked the three of us up and my friends aunt took us for ice cream but j got a vanilla smoothy. Anyway my one friend (we'll call her Taylor) asked to see the number so j showed it to her and she insisted that he is tricking me but I said why would he trick me. Then we went back to school to take a test but then we were dismissed so the three of us again were picked up by my mom and when I got into the car I looked @my iPod and there was a message from my friend's (we'll call her Quinn) boyfriend (it's easier to call him that) and he said "hey y don't u take the risk now and text him like rlly what's gonna happen?"
The dream ended w/ me looking @ the number.
But does anyone know what this means like does it mean anything (I've also had a dream where he was @my family reunion w/me and he called me his girlfriend an I said really and he said yes if you want and then he twirled me around) so please if you can help
And no dirty comments because I'm only thirteen