Does anyone outside of Russia believe that the US will split into several...


New member
Aug 2, 2008
1 in the foreseeable future? While I think such a scenario is pretty unlikely and the idea is obviously based on a false analogy to what happened to Russia, it is still an interesting idea.

Let us say that the US did split up like Igor Panarin suggested, where would everyone here choose to live.

Would you all prefer to live in the Californian Republic controlled by China, the Texas Republic under Mexican control, Atlantic America as part of the European Union, Central North American Republic as part of Canada, Russian Alaska or Japanese Hawaii?
here's the wikipedia article on his theory btw
It is a REMOTE possibility in the near future. If the economy completely tanks, those in rural America with acreage will be the best off. Those that think that because we are Americans we will be ok are a little too optimistic. I don't believe the events that Igor suggested will come to pass, but the US is vulnerable to problems right now. Religious, political, and economic differences could divide the nation further.
I would choose to live where I do right now, at the top of a hill; here I am alloted a very clear view of both the infiltrating encroachment endeavored by evil-eyed riff-raff and the base agitation of scalawags
I hope it does in my lifetime... I predict 2020, not 2010 like Panarin said.
I think that's bull****, but just for fun, I'd prefer my current location - Atlantic
that possibility is on the horizon

if the federal gvt is a bigger hinderance than a help,

it may be ignored by the regions, and dissolution of US follow de facto

whether those regions become allied with other nations, i would think not
i would head for the area likely to be least socialistic

and am trying to esitmate locations now

as i live in NY state;

state expenditures are increasing instead of being cut
I think we should give the Rednecks everything south of the Mason Dixon line and the west.

We keep California, Washington and Oregon.

Within 5 years the South would capitulate because they wouldn't have the tax dollars from NY or CA they currently suck up.
I do not believe that the US will split, as a matter of fact, the government is currently working on a national highway that will connect Mexico, US and Canada and there has been discussion of a unified currency among the three countries called the Amero, similar to the Euro.

The division that will come in this country will be with the people and not physical boundaries.
I do not believe that the US will split, as a matter of fact, the government is currently working on a national highway that will connect Mexico, US and Canada and there has been discussion of a unified currency among the three countries called the Amero, similar to the Euro.

The division that will come in this country will be with the people and not physical boundaries.
Edna - what would CA and NY have to do if there was no paperwork to shuffle from the goods and foods produced by the areas you dismiss ?