Does anyone think sleeping on the floor is better

I did mention the tatami. I called it those bamboo beds cause I forgot what they were called. I don't think we called them tatami's in Taiwan though.
Well I just started sleeping on my comfy L shaped couch. It's a stiff couch, no wear near as hard as a carpeted floor but way stiffer then most beds. I have been sleeping on it a lot better then on my bed. So for me firmer bed=better sleep.

PS I also have less back pain in the morning.
Having been overseas 3 times in the military, Ive slept on all kinds of surfaces. I used to take naps on the bare floor in Iraq between guard duty shifts. I do like firm mattresses to sleep on. When i was in basic training the beds were sooooo saggy, it hurt my back so much. There wasnt much support. Normally I wouldnt have been able to sleep in them, but you are so wore out at the end of the day it didnt matter. I would have to work out the kinks when i got up though.
I think the hardest place for me to sleep is sitting upright in a vehicle. That is so uncomfortable. That and when a sandstorm came in.
I have a lovely firm king sized bed and mattress. But 80% of the time I choose to sleep on the floor. I started when I was around 17. When I sleep in a bed I have a bad habit of sleeping face down faced a little to the left, this wasn't doing any favors for my back. At my old place we had wooden floors so I would lay a blanket and sleep on the floor when I first started sleeping on the floor I would bruise my ribs, this quickly made me switch to lying down and sleeping on my back. It's like a massage! I love it.
Bunk bed yeah!! I can't stand having me feet exposed. They have to be covered by a blanket all warm and cozy.
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I have fallen asleep standing up before, while standing in formation during an inspection. It Can be done.
I sleep like that first chimp, however, i find i wake up with pins and needles in one hand and arm when im sleeping on the floor.
I wish i could sleep on my back.
I sleep like that first chimp, however, i find i wake up with pins and needles in one hand and arm when im sleeping on the floor.
I wish i could sleep on my back.
A friend of mine is going through basic training currently. He told me that during basic training, you are so sleep deprived you learn to sleep anytime, anywhere, on whatever surface you are at the time.

Me, I like hard spring mattresses.
Due to the fact my IKEA bed fell apart i slept on the ground for the last 3 days. Not my most pleasant nights.
I *can* sleep anywhere, most of the time, but generally choose not to. Never been able to sleep on my back, even after night shift. If I'm trying to stay awake to get back onto a days sleep pattern I just find a sofa or something and lie on my back, works perfectly. Normally sleep on either my side, in the style of any of the aforementioned chimps, or on my front. Have to say the comfiest sleep I ever had was actually in a hammock, although that may have had something to do with the sun/beer combination I'd been enjoying at the time As to the original question, yes I think it's quite possible for human beings to sleep without cushioning, however I don't see any reason to. I suspect it would probably lead to musculo-skeletal disorders in some cases, given how much longer we tend to live then we would have when sleeping rough all the time, but perfectly possible.
Dude, sleeping in a HMMWV in full body armor with weapon and four other dudes, especially if they weren't the new up-armored was horrible. I was in a CAAT platoon for a while and that really sucked, I hated my life. Exhaustion allows one to sleep anywhere.

I prefer sleeping on the floor, and if it's outside then an iso-mat (foam mat) works great to keep the ground from sucking away your body heat but I usually rolled off of that. I've slept on a lot of mattresses and I would say any spring mattress is just horrible. I would rather sleep on a darn cot then a spring mattress. I even work up with shoulder pain that lasted for a month from sleeping on a spring. Right now I have an extremely firm (bed salesmen looks puzzled when you tell him "I want that one" firm) foam mattress and it is wonderful. Wife had to get used to it though.

If you're interested in seeing if sleeping on the floor does anything for your body I recommend giving it a try. I find it does wonders for mine, and a firm mattress has helped me tremendously. I wouldn't go so far as to not use a pillow though, but you can always use your hands or your shoulder ( stick one arm out all the way on your side and you can use your shoulder as a pillow ) for head support. Just keep in mind you have to try it for about a week, and after the first day your hips may be sore from laying on a hard surface and may even bruise a little if you're not used to it.
I have slept on the floor for the last ten years.It takes some getting used to,at least six months to a year, but once you learn to relax it is far more comfortable than sleeping in a bed.
count duckula- it was in basic training when I fell asleep in formation Also very hard to stay awake during classes in hot rooms too.
ero- I didn't get much sleep in iraq. It was hard to. Due to my shift for about a month I averaged 2 hrs a night, and then cat naps through the day. That was rough. I was very cranky. Its amazing what the body will endure because im surprised I even functioned properly. When we were on convoys and stopping for the night, I found it more comfortable to sleep on top of the fuel tanker than all crunched up into a ball in the cab. I also found the green cots pretty comfy to sleep on.
Classrooms . . . . . lol.

I hear you man. I didn't serve three combat tours as yourself, but I was deployed three times in my 4 year enlistment. Once was on a MEU (I would rather do the initial push through Sangin then do that again), once to Haiti for the earthquake relief effort, and once to Afghanistan. Afghanistan was the worst sleep wise for obvious reasons, but you also had to wait for the temp. to cool down before you could fall asleep as we didn't have AC and often left you with about 2 hours of "cool enough to sleep" before the sun came back up since days were a little shorter there. I'm sure it was the same in Iraq.

I couldn't imagine doing convoys to be honest. That's actually one of the reasons I tried out and crossed over for a sniper platoon. I hate vics. They have the MRAPS now which has saved a lot of people I know but just the fact that if you're going out on a certain route one day you knew you were going to get blown up . . . . hell with that. The turret in a TOW HMMWV isn't too bad for sleep though.
My cat Princess hates sleeping on the floor.It has to be a carpet or a towel or a rug or something for her to sleep on.

I dont blame her. I wouldnt like it either.
Agreed, thing is I have a king sized memory foam mattress in my room, so when I get REALLY tired, as I tend to sleep 4 days a week I sometimes knock out on the bed. But my sister and niece have been staying with me past week or so, and I've been sleeping on the floor all the time, and I love the affect on my back. On mattresses I tend to sleep on my front, with my arm under a pillow a little to the side.