Does it make Libbies look weak when they always whines about the economic problems


Jun 14, 2008
being all GOP's fault? They still blame Hoover, that's pretty sad dont you think?

Obama's buck stops in Crawford, Texas.

The President is a very different man from Harry Truman, and not just his race.
I don't know that it makes them look weak, but I do know that it's a constant source that supports their anti-American ideology. And as for their constant whining that "our Country's current economic problems are all the GOP's fault", it just serves to demonstrate how little liberals care about the country that grants them the freedom to run their mouth.
Yes -- especially since their confidant " yes we can " candidate who was full of promises has turned into a whiny " no I can't " President who is full of excuses
Just ignorant by way of stupidity or brain washing.

It was clearly moves by Progressives that destroyed the economy. More than that it wasn't an accident and they were working with Soros and the people he works with who are the worst group of people on the face of the earth now, or maybe at any time in history.

Obama pushed bad loans & helped push up energy prices working for Soros years before we knew of him.

Obama worked to force banks to do bad loans, actually trained Acorn members to protest at homes and private offices in a threatening way and got government collusion in liberal cities to do it, working for Soros.

He also worked with Soros in the Joyce foundation where he funded the Climate Exchange scam that's dependent on the Cap & Trade Legislation a Democrat congress rejected so he's doing a regulatory end run attempt. This is the legislation that will cost the average American family $3000 a year in energy taxation basically though they call it differently, and pay trillions to those involved in the scam. Soros is the organizing entity for this, and other Rothschild agents like Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Maurice Strong, JP Morgan, and others invested are the same bunch who actively pushed up oil speculation that lead to the crash of the economy that lead to the banking crash with the bad loans many of those pushed, and were pushed by government mostly in the D party like Carter's Community Reinvestment act and other things and Clinton pushing up Fannie and Freddy and putting serious Democrat operatives in charge like Daily of the Chicago Mob / Mayor Daily's, Gorelick of the Clinton Gorelick Wall, Reins a Clinton Operative embezzler who stole 90 million from Fannie and was never charged.

Bush didn't crash the economy ... it was banking and fuel as a detonator to the banking bomb, and it was almost all set up by Progressives, including Obama who most don't know has been working for Soros (a man who specialized in crashing economies and has done in 6 other countries as well) Been working for Soros for many years before we knew him.

Soros works for the Rothschild Cartel, the biggest threat to free men in the world which has been working on destroying man's freedoms and controlling all men, since the mid 1700s.

Lincoln names the threat, the bankers. The Rothschild Cartel bankers he said were a larger threat to the future of our country than the Confederacy, and this is when the Union was getting their asses kicked all over by the Confederacy.

The Rothschild Cartel that's been active since the mid 1700s and actually caused the conditions in England that lead to the bad treatment of colonies that caused the Revolutionary War where they funded England and the colonies and made George Washington pay the debt which caused him to tax whiskey and caused a huge rebellion called the Whiskey Rebellion that took more troops to put down than it took to win the Revolutionary War.

Andrew Jackson's Den Of Vipers, who he said we behind the assassination attempt that he was so lucky to escape when 2 pistols misfired that were pressed right in his gut.

And JFK before they killed him said this about them: “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” JFK In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination.

The Rothschild Cartel that got it's 3rd chartered Central Bank in the US under Wilson and called the Federal Reserve Bank for propaganda purposes is still in control of our money supply despite JFK's executive order to take their monopoly over control of money supply away, probably the biggest reason they killed him.

The Rothschild Cartel that owns Central Banks in all but 4 countries in the world. Well 3 now they have Libya, and their puppet Obama went into Libya but not Syria for a reason ... Syria already has a Rothschild Controlled Central bank.
I don't think it makes them look weak. It makes them look like politicians. They do it on both sides.
Some influential conservatives blame FDR, both sides of the spectrum have their respective "bad guys".