Does the anti-Christ come after the rapture?


May 18, 2008
If like the rapture happens. a lot of people will be scared and then the anti christ will come and give them a sense of hope.
No! The Anti-Christ is not one person. Many bible scholars have tried to identify the Anti-Christ a term that is in the bible 5 times in John epistles. Some have said it was Pompey or Nero. The Pope of 1213 C.E though it was Muhammad. But when you look at the context of the scriptures it could not be one person. It is any who deny Jesus Christ and what he talked about in the scriptures. Nations are said to be Anti-Christ in the book of revelation chapter 17. Just look at 1 John 2:22 for example. Also 1 John 4:2-3 verses. It is not one person but anyone who deny's the Christ and his teachings.
As far as the "Rapture" the word is not mentioned in the bible. But it does make reference to those "who are caught away in the air, to be with Christ".1 Thess 4:13-18 again you need to look at the context. Before thoseanointedd with Christ it says that they "must die first" and then after they die in 1 Corinthians 15:35-36, 44 they will be raised up "in atwinklingg of an eye". Accurateknowledgee helps you to understand scripture. Jesus himself said "the meek will inherit the earth".
So there will be some who are called to heaven to be with the lord but the vast majority offaith fulll christians will live on the earth. Isaiah 65
No... the Antichrist is not mentioned in Revelation. The beast is mentioned though. A common scholarly opinion of the beast is that he was the roman emperor Nero.

The Antichrist is probably a first century false teacher mentioned in the epistles.
It's impossible to know what will happen in the future, especially when it's hypothetical.
Rapture is stupid idea created to keep Christians on their way. Early Christians never believed in rapture.
If "rapture" does happen, the first people to lap up every word of this anti-christ would surely be the religious folk! They'll believe anything for the sake of hope!

PS: Cute hat!