Does the "nice girl" finish last (lesbian dating)?


Feb 26, 2008
I'm the "nice girl" who's sweet, caring, loyal, and dependable. I ask about your day and care about your answers. A lot of people like that about me, and feel comfortable talking to me about their problems, etc. because they know I'll lend a good shoulder. However, I'm worried I'm destined to become every girl's "best friend."

I had a date with a girl who was also the quiet, nice girl type - very beautiful, very smart, very caring and sweet. We had a nice conversation, it ended in a tight hug, and she had a great time with me, but she felt no sparks. I was perfectly comfortable with the fact we were two nice people (I'm attracted to the sweet girl type - don't like loud, boisterous, inconsiderate, partying women), and wanted to see her again, but apparently I'm more of the friendship type to her.

Also, was talking to a nice girl named Lisa, who agreed to go out with me, but communication went cold and she went out a loud, outgoing girl named Brenda.

I'm kind of heartbroken - I feel like I keep losing out because I'm the nice girl. It's frustrating, because I love my friends and family, but I'd really like a girlfriend to cuddle with, kiss, etc. and all those blissful feelings associated with love.

What do I do?