Does this count as Blood in Stool?


New member
May 23, 2008
So. I went to the GI doctor yesterday, and he's 98.9% postive that I have IBS; but he's making me go get a colonoscopy (sp?) just to be so sure.
Keep in mind I am only 18 years old. This should not be happening to me.

But, I finally did go today.
Normal IBS type stools.. Chunky, hard to pass.
But when I wiped I thought I saw some red specs.

I'm on my period
And i had red potatoes, cranberry juice, and left over cornbeef last night for dinner.

If I had what the professionals would call a "Bloody" stool that isn't normal.. would these be the conditions for it?

Aside from that, the color of it was golden brown.
Blood in stool that is dangerous comes from high up in the intestine and makes the poo black.
When it is bright red like this it is coming from the rectum (right in the last part of the intestine) and is nearly always from haemorroids (you can get internal ones that you cannot see) or from a small split in the skin at the anus caused by too much stretching to pass a large stool.
This is far less dangerous but can be painful and can be infected. You should mention it to the doctor adn he will examine your bottom (sorry!) to make sure he knows what it is and get you the right cream to make it get better.
It sounds as if you need a laxative to help relieve the constipation. Meanwhile avoid too much rice, bananas and potatoes and have more fresh fruit, especially kiwis and pears.
Being on your period really complicates the question. The red potato peels can also pass. However, you still need to get the colonoscopy. They aren't that bad - they knock you out. The worst part is the prep.

It also sounds like you are describing irritable bowel syndrome. It is confusing, because IBS usually stands for "inflammatory bowel disease" which is way more serious. Your doctor is right to order this test for you.

I probably would not consider that to be blood in the stool, simply because you are on your period. But, keep checking, that doesn't mean that I'm right.

Best of luck