Doesn't it suck when no one gets your sense of humor?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
I have a weird, broad sense of humor, which a lot of people don't seem to understand. Maybe I just have an unfunny sense of humor.
I might be the only one who thought it was funny, but for example: at the mall yesterday, I walked past this kiosk (all the kiosks are owned by Indian people at this mall, and for most of them, English is not their first language) full of custom t-shirts. This one sample t-shirt, that was very prominently on display, featured a blurry close up picture of a dog that looked a little stunned by the camera with the word "BARD" in huge black letters above it. I thought it was pretty funny and took a picture of it. I showed a couple of friends but they didn't really see the humor in it. :\
I had to explain that BARD made no sense and the amateurishness of the whole shirt is why it was funny to me. And was he trying to say BARK? Or perhaps the dog's name was BART? Ah well. My sense of humor makes life interesting for me. :p
Now, Matt. Don't be prejudice. And there exists a thing called "American English." Neither your English nor our English is right or wrong. It's just how we do things.
I'm too sarcastic. People think I'm an actual idiot. And I am. Because I guess if I was smart I'd change up my humor to compensate for the flack it earns me. But what's funny is funny to me. Regardless of it only being funny to me.
Like for a question today about languages I am uninterested in learning. I put "English," and said that people who speak English fluently suck. Four thumbs down.
UPDATE: Five thumbs down.