
Your brother's an idiot if so.
Their house is on fire...who (or what) would he run in and save first? Who (or what) would he save if it could only be one of them?
If he answers there's no difference he's either an idiot or he's lying.
Without question my wife and I would put our daughter above saving anything.
I don't even have to ask her if that's the case. If, by some strange state of affairs, she chose to try and save me first I'd tell what she should really be doing.
I dont need tgo be a parent to know about parenting. The same as I dont need to be an alcoholic to tell who is one. Or be part of a brainwashing society to know about cults and how they work. Its one of the biggest misconceptions that people who dont have kids dont know anything about parenting or kids themselves.

Kids listen to me and love me even more than their own parents. if you want to knbow how I really am with kids. I absolutely adore older kids and they me. when I sat for older kids, I had no problem getting them to listen.

Honestly, I'd save whichever i was able to save at the time without putting me or them in more danger than they already are.

Lots of people do give up their lives to save their pets, etc, are all those people idiots too?
Oh yes you absolutely do.

You can read all you like, you can observe all you like, but it is not the same.

This is a flawed analogy. That is like saying, "I don't need to be a parent to spot one." Daft isn't it?

You may be able to spot an alcoholic, but you cannot understand what it is like to be one, the same as you cannot understand the tie between a parent and child.

No they are not, but if they made the choice to save a dog over a child, then I would call into question their sanity.
As a confirmed dog lover and someone who doesn't want children, I would never place the dog above the child. If the dog starts to become aggressive towards members of the family, it has to go. I've known a few people who've had dogs (and no kids) who, the moment they've started to show aggression towards children, have had the dogs put down. These were not irresponsible dog owners who didn't train the dog or care for it, they were exactly the opposite of this. You can't afford to take the risk where children are concerned. If you do, you are irresponsible, selfish and clueless.

no you absolutely do not have to be a parent in lorder to give advice or know what its like.

I was sworn to secrecy on this, so no details i do not want to betray the trust of my friend, but a mapper, who was having problems some years ago with a kid and I gave them some advice. Sure the parent resisted like hell at first. But a couple weeks later I get a pm and parent thanked me for my advice and admitted i did have a good point.

To bigmikey,

that can be a problem when pwecious shnookums supercedes all else in a relationship. I do not want to take a back seat to a bf's kid. I want to be loved by them and be their priority. So any person i date will have to be child free. cause it wouldnt be fair to the kid either.

People put their kids u
p so high, they dont realize the problems that can cause.

ah geez. that sucks bigmikey. I wouldnt let that happen to me. They'll take my pet over my dead body, especially if said pet was defending him/herself or someone else, against what they perceived as a threat.

actually I'd take the love a pet over a human. They truly love unconditionally. Humans do not.

This is one reason i dont believe humans are better or more important than animals. what makes us so special?
Don't be stupid.

A piece of advice is not the same as caring and loving for a child on a 24 hour a day basis.
Good times, hard times and bad times. Through fights, tears, exam results not going their way, bullying, sharing bedrooms, not having your dad see you off to school because he works so hard (and the problems that causes), jealousy, peer pressure, etc, etc, etc.

Also having a good point hardly qualifies you as a competant parent.
You seem to think having a kid say they like you turns you into parent of the year.

Wake up and smell the roses.

I had a social worker round several years back in regard to a problem one of my sons was having.
I tried to make an appointment for the following day, as I was particularly busy at that time. "I only work 3 days a week", she said.
She followed that by saying, "you are quite aggressive". "Really, I'm aggressive? You work 3 days a week and do not have any kids, while I work 13.5 hours a day and have four kids".
She was told to sling her hook and go back to her chocolate box existance.

Aggressive, damn right I was aggressive. My job is to protect my family.
PASmith's job as a man and father is to protect his family and I tip my cap to him.

If you do not have kids, don't lecture a parent.

Tell you what, I'll look after your cat, you have my four kids for a year. Then come back and tell me PASmith and I have it right.
Don't tempt me.

Parents dont get the right to say non parent people cant be agressive cause they havent got kids.

I was a kidf. I went through all what you're describing.

and parents cant say well it takes a villiage to raise a kid and then complain when the 'villiage' has something to say.
That was me I do believe and you DID have a good point due to the benefit of perspective. I thanked you then and I'll thank you now in public because it was well deserved.

Now THATS a GREAT question! I Agree, with the part I bolded so strongly its stupid, lol. You absolutely hit the nail on the head there, Blade.
The things said on this this thread reeks of inexperience, lack of humility, lack of understanding and common sense rebuked and chastised with legitimate, in depth explanations from those who have been there and done that. I can't understand what it's like to be a parent yet, but I know the feeling invoked by those who have no experience in something yet have an opinion at every turn about it. I can imagine civilian opinion and knowledge about the military and warfare is about the same in levels of frustration and anger as somebody with very narrow, biased an ill-informed views about raising children to those who are actually going through it.

Hopefully something good comes from this thread though for somebody specific.
I don't think you're going to "win" this Blade. They're right. Until you have a child, you have no idea what being a parent it. We were all kids at one point. Doesn't make us all experts.
You're not tempted at all.

You miss the point again. My aggression came about because someone who worked three days a week and didn't have kids wanted to tell me what was right and wrong.

Read again "NO KIDS".

So where did her training come from, a book?

That is like you reading about Shotokan, watching some videos, training at home and expecting to beat me in a fight when I have been training at the school of hard knocks for 16 years. It is not going to happen.
she was a social worker Simon! She DOES know! I couldnt believe you didnt see this.

i cant believe you'd dismiss her experience cause she didnt reproduce! Shoulda asked for someone with kids then. Ya gotta get a degree in social work for that and you work with families and kids all the time! How can you insinuate she doesnt know agressiveness cause she dont haver kids. Social work is stressful too you know! They work with all kinds of behavior issues and sometimes have to remove kids from homes and such. Plus you seemed to get mad cause she didnt give you an appointment for that day. That sounds like entitlement to me.
Is that true? You need a degree? One of my ex housemates is a social worker, works with young offenders, and she doesn't have a degree. She has done college courses never went on to do higher education.

Edit: a quick Google suggests you now need a degree and maybe even postgrad to qualify to begin training as one.
No, not experts, but most of us can say what worked and what didnt. Also there is whaat I call uncommon sense because thats what its turning into.

Yup. I'm considering doing it. Considering cause i have no idea what i want to do yet. So i checked it out at my university.
Maybe so, but I still maintain that it is not the same as having kids of your own.
Without this knowing or understanding I fail to see how Blade can be critical of PASmith's standpoint (back on topic).

Sympathy is not the same as empathy.