Dont believe rumours about x factor cher lloyd! <3?


Jun 27, 2008
cher lloyd is just a young girl who auditioned for x factor to be a singer/ need for the tabloids/newspapers to spread **** about her.

all the GOSSIP:
she is aneorexic and fragile
she is A BULLY
she isnt strong enough TO COPE

if cher was A BULLY why on earth would she leave her school..she was the one bullied and i have an instinct that its the jealous bitches from her school that are sayin this pile of UTTER RUBBISH .. she was bullied,victimised,humiliated and tortured b bullies..she was scared and had to leave her school and she wasnt able to defend herself..she was picked on because she was DIFFERENT and talented and those bullys were jealous!

the rumour is cher bullied a girl because her mum walked out on her..i cant see someone doing that and how would share have even known,it gets me so annoyed..cher hasnt even said she was bullied her friends and close ones have and there hardly gonna LIE

if its true im sure the person bullied or friends/family will do an interview and cher can admit the TRUTH but these people are just gossiping and giving stories to the internet to be PAID well if it was that serious im sure they would do an interview.

and xfactor would know of it...
as for being ANEOREXIC i wouldnt go that far but she is very thin i will agree on that but it could be just the way she is doesnt mean she STARVES herself or is miserable and cant eat..maybe she wants to be thin..but i hope she hasnt got a problem because she is very very thin

and last .. she is very much fragile for these reasons

she admires her idol and mentor CHERYL COLE there is NOTHING wrong with that shes a teenager girl she looks to her inspirations as people to admire and follow in their footsteps and she has got HER OWN STYLE but shares similaritys with cheryl maybe on purpose or conisidence but whatever why let it affect you!?

many teenage girls admire and copy off their idols whether cheryl or not cheryl-shes an ICON and rolemodel to young girls-FACT
maybe not all but many!

and cher is also TALENTED and upset over having tonsillitis and judges houses and falling apart-she had a stumble but shes got up fighting and shes proven shes earned it all.

im backing her up and i hope people see shes just a teenage girls with big dreams
maybe shes a weight problem maybe not..maybe shes fragile maybe shes not..maybe she was bullied maybe she wasnt .. maybe shes not everyone favourite maybe she is..maybe she is a bit too sure of herself maybe shes not..maybe she adores her idol maybe she doesnt..maybe cheryls her idol maybe shes not

THE POINT IS she will make mistakes,shes not innocent and shes not perfect BUT NOBODY IS!
just give her a break ..let her do her swagga thing and grow to be the person SHE is stop giving her a hard time and the press should STOP BULLYING her and just let her become the star she is inside and STOP these HORRIBLE rumours...shes a human being and has got feelings

but dont judge someone until you know THE TRUTH
some things are true some are not
the point is dont hate someone until you have a reason

I LOVE CHER<3 and i hope many of the rumours arnt true .. i wont let it affect the love i have for her unless its TRUE and i am sure.

remember everyone will fall and make mistakes

why are tryin 2 make a point
1. she looks anorexic
2. she luks like a bully
3. she has an obsseion wiv cheryl cole
4. shes all fake....eyebrows, hair maybe even dat nose

no 1 cares bou dis slutt she aint eva gna winn
why are tryin 2 make a point
1. she looks anorexic
2. she luks like a bully
3. she has an obsseion wiv cheryl cole
4. shes all fake....eyebrows, hair maybe even dat nose

no 1 cares bou dis slutt she aint eva gna winn
Yeah right, I believe everything I read in the papers for a reason!
I bet you're Cher Lloyd undercover!
Well guess what Cher hunny no one gives a flying fart about you on X Factor!
Yeah right, I believe everything I read in the papers for a reason!
I bet you're Cher Lloyd undercover!
Well guess what Cher hunny no one gives a flying fart about you on X Factor!
It's all untrue!

People who believe the rumors are stupid and naive. The people who judge her from the way she looks, like saying she looks like a bully ate just plain morons. How can you look like a bully? Is it just because she's pretty? Naive people should be banned from reading gossip news!!!