don't you just hate how celebs find any exuse to make money. Pregnant Write



a book, loose weight Write a book Bad marriage Write a book Get a pet Write a book Live for aleast 20 years Write a book Go traveling Write a book etc. Of course it does,nt need to be a book they could become experts and give advice on Tv show. and on it goes.
It seems like all of them look at fame as a way to shove their opinions down our throats.

Sure, some might be nice, but I could honestly care less about someone who makes money off of every little thing they do.
YES and do you notice when they lose weight by getting tummy tuck/surgery they STILL write a book/make a fitness video about how they "won" their battle with weight!! They are full of sh it and money mad.Poor excuses of celebs
Haha yeah! I've noticed that. They either do that or make an exercise DVD in January :p

I'd like to see some:

Have constipation, write a book, Have a threesome,write a book, Trap your husbands testicles in the car door, write a book.......etc that would be rather funny!
a lot of celeberites crave the spot light and will do anything to keep themselves there.
celebrities think theyre awesome but i personally dont give a shit about the lives of people ill never meet/they dont affect me at all
I agree but the worst part is how many people are now classed as celebs when they have no talent and have just appeared on a reality TV show.
I agree but the worst part is how many people are now classed as celebs when they have no talent and have just appeared on a reality TV show.