Dream interpretation: Getting stabbed in the thigh and wrist.?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Before you answer "dreams mean nothing"... I know, I'm not looking at this as anything significant to my life I just haven't had a dream this vivid or out of the normal for a while and I'm curious to know the "meaning" behind it.

There's things in Dream that aren't shown, but I know anyways...I'm in some kind of public building because there's all these hallways. The whole scene has a yellow-sh tint to it and I'm in a room looking out into the hallway at a man that had threatened to kill people in the building, his rules were that everyone was to be in the hallways and he would watch them go by and only pick the ones he wanted to stab and tell them to come over, if he didnt want to stab them they could walk along. As I was watching no one was getting stabbed, he was letting them all go by....Another older woman was in the room with me and I knew after he was done looking at all the people walking around in the hallways he would go looking in the rooms and immediately kill everyone that was "hiding". The older woman was supposed to be my mother in the dream(she wasn't my mom in real life) and so I walked out into the hallway and made sure the man noticed me so hopefully the older woman could sneak out of the room without notice afterwards. I walked towards him, making like i was going to walk on by and watched him to see if he would choose me and he waved his hand to call me over and I could see blood stains on the wall from other people...I stood with by back against the blood stains and he moved to stand in front of me. I felt really attracted to him...not in aesthetics...I actually dont remember his face or anything really, I think he had black hair but thats all I can really remember. It was just all my energy was drawn towards him. I had to force myself to stay there because if i knew he's do something worse.
I got stabbed quickly in the right thigh, and then he stabbed my left wrist and wasnt so quick with it, he just kept pushing the knife in and up a little. I could actually feel the stabbing too, something jabbing into my wrist and thigh...it wasnt exactly painful in the dream, just unpleasant.
I don't remember what happened after that, I either woke up or just started dreaming something else...I had a lot of different dreams last night but most I don't remember very well.