dream interpretation help please?


May 14, 2008
my ex texted me and said she had a dream about me. we broke up 4 months ago but it was more due to distance(she moved to another state) when she is in town she is with me. I did hear about her moving in with a guy though, not sure if they are together or anything though. anyways she said her dream started with her sister trying to get her mad by showing her this video. After that she was alone in a room and watching this live video feed from inside her head. She said there were 7 people in a bedroom but she noticed i was with a girl and we could potentially be an item. I asked if she knew the people and she said she knew most but didnt know who the girl was. To put the dream simply, her sister tried using the video of me with a new girl to make her mad, and she got upset from it(in the dream). What could this dream mean?