Dyatlov Pass Accident

Experienced people in those areas lose all logic and sense in the face of death in a few seconds to a lingering death in the freezing cold over a longer period?

Makes perfect sense.
It also makes perfect sense that they were magically killed by some giant radioactive monster.
There is no plysical evidence that they came rushing out of the tents ripping the tents open. The rips could have been from the weather. Also the woman could have had somebody cut her tongue off for whatever reason. This story makes absolutely no sence at all. Anywhere can have radiation around it especially a mountain because of a mountains high altitude. And the guy with his skull crushed in probably tripped in the cold wintery night and hit his head really badly
The urals aren't THAT high though, these people were camping out lower than salt lake city.

If the weather couldn't hide their footprints in 24 days, it sure as hell didn't shred a tent.
Fucking facepalm.

"Holy shit, an avalanche! Quick, cut my tongue off, it's the only way!"
the one with a chrushed skull but no external damage...
the victim had the head incased in ice which then expanded around the skull and compressed the skull to the point of breaking the bones.

On a serious note, that is actually very interesting. It made for a nice read.
the three that were injured were found buried under over 4 meters of snow.
therefor their internal injuries were caused by the extreme weight of the wet snow ontop of them.


oh and they ran out of the tent because they ran out of vodka.
How does anybody know that they all at once jumped out of the tents?

Maybe something attacked the original 3, then the other 4 ran and died?
I'm thinking that there is a base up there and they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. No, not aliens, but in wiki it states how they found a bunch of scrap metal indication military use, so they had to stumble onto something the Soviet's just didnt like.