Eating Meat?

When I was a Veggie neither did I, My GF is a Vegan and I think she is remarkably tolerant of my fish and egg eating.
I am greek, so i am genetically wired to eat a good amount of meat. Steaks, lamb, rabbit, love it all. can't ferget the veggies, though.
I said vegetarian not vegan.

above from this site

here is Socrates Greek Philosopher.

And Aristotle

there were cultures that did not eat meat before this but some Ancient Greeks were the first to use it as a conscious and deliberate lifestyle choice, even though they actualy faced persecution for it at some points in history.
O... had no idea... well that was a long, long time ago in Ancient Greece. But its alright. Majority of greeks (modern) eat plenty meat. But its all good.
P.S., is there a difference between "vegetarian" and "vegan"?
Somehow, I doubt that they invented vegetarianism- but oookay.

Vegetarians may or may not eat dairy and eggs. Vegans refuse to eat anything that might have come from an animals- no eggs, no dairy, etc.
Being a vegan is about more than not eating meat and animal sourced products. It also means you don't wear/buy or use products made of animal sourced material (eg. wool, silk, leather, honey). Also in a society where money talks, it is about spending your money on products that are vegan, supporting the cause economically, politically, socially etc.. That's my interpretation of it anyway.

I love the "It's natural" idea about eating meat. As cooking is a relatively recent invention, it would be more "natural" to eat it raw. As, well, everythng from the bricks in your house to the shoes on your feet aren't natural, woudln't it be better to do without those?

You don't need to eat meat from a dietary point of view.

Only reason for eating meat is because you like it and don't care much about the welfare of the animal involved.

Unless you eat organic in which case you like it and don't care much about breeding an animal especially to kill it (like for fur, or fun).

Meat eaters should not hide behind spurious arguments but should be honest with themselves. Get yourself to an abbatoir and see what it's all about!

Vegetarians (me) are similarly crap. The suffering of poultry raised for eggs(unless free range and organic and even then)is terrible; dairy cattle, even organic, don't necessarily have a terribly good time.

We all make our peace with our consciences wherever they will let us. Just don't do it under false pretences.

Whats wrong with wearing wool? The sheep grow it back again (fast). Also Its nice and warm to wear. The sheep can over heat in the summer if they haven't been shorn (even if they have shade and plenty of water.) It gets uncomfortable for them. Poor little buggers.
Hey Hapuka, I advocate eating/wearing what makes you happy. Personally once I find out certain things, I can't close my eyes to it. Neither do I try to change those who want to eat meat, vegetables, wear wool, fur whatever.

I could tell you why I personally think its wrong for me to wear wool but its my conscious and individual decision. As you've made points about why its okay to wear wool, that's great, and you should continue to do as you choose.
I know there is more to being vegan, I thought the question was just about the diet.

Mitch, you are entering the waters of animal welfare vs rights, which is a whole other thread. You also assume too much about someone based merely upon their diets.
Definately a meat eater. Love the taste, its good for me, thats all that concerns me. My health means that I actually have more trouble eating fruit than meat