Egyptians: how do you say ''Style'' in Egyptian Dialect?

the big massive hair of the early eighties and nineties (betoo3 the women) like in this picture,r:20,s:0&biw=1280&bih=616
the big massive hair of the early eighties and nineties (betoo3 the women) like in this picture,r:20,s:0&biw=1280&bih=616
Amr Diab's sweater in Tammally Ma3ak music video ;))

actually it was NEVER in style in the first place LOL
the big massive hair of the early eighties and nineties (betoo3 the women) like in this picture,r:20,s:0&biw=1280&bih=616
yeah feh fatra keda fe Masr kan el guys sha3rohom zy el leefa we keteer we bylbeso tight shirts and pants tight brdo awy mn foo2 we was3aaa mn ta7t,kano bysamoha "regl el feel" LOL:D
where u can only see a large head over a stick .hahaha for instance Ma7moud Yassine kan 3'awy el kalam da awy fe kol aflamo zaman :D
el klam el 3'areeb da bta3 el m2alem w el m5tat... I don know how they were wearing this in 70s!!!!!!!!!
el klam el 3'areeb da bta3 el m2alem w el m5tat... I don know how they were wearing this in 70s!!!!!!!!!