Election 2005

"Max Power Magazine" as a voting party in the next election ? Actually, just to piss everyone else off of the candidates I might actually choose to vote for them. Even though, between you and me, I think they are just doing this as a joke...even though their features writer, Dan, owns a tuned up Skyline R33 so it doesn't surprise me they want no speed limits on the motorways....you never know, looking at MPM their next policy could be ID cards which ask you if you "spit or swallow"

Well this is it isn't it. I doubt anyone expects them to win but by showing support for some of their policies at least we get them debated.

I'm not a rabid LD supporter by the way. I just think that, unlike the other two main parties, they're actually showing some initiative and coming up with new ideas.
if by 'new ideas' you mean promising everything under the sun then yes i agree

im voting Conservative as economically and socially i am a conservative. i believe in small government and low taxation. however i am not a huge michael howard fan. i didnt like a lot of decisions he made when he was home secretary and i dont like his support of ID cards and indecisiveness on the European question. saying that a Conservative government will always be better and smaller than a Labour government and the less taxes i pay the better !
LOL! From listening to media coverage though I get the impression that the Tories tax cuts aren't affordable. At least the LDs are honest about it. To be fair though, I also think that the biggest problem the Tories have at the moment is the lack of a charismatic leader combined with the image (rightly or wrongly) of a bunch of old Etonian snobs!

Ho hum! I wonder if it's possible to have a genuinely representative government in a democracy.
i know, but thats the media, and even if the didnt reduce spending by as much as they say they will at least halt it as opposed to both other parties which intend to increase it. i trust oliver letwin as he is an enormously clever man. irony of all ironies is that michael howard went to a state school and mr blair went to eton (i think).

there are a lot of good yound conservatives coming through the ranks at the moment. ed vaizey, david bull, raji saha, nicholas boles, michael gove, iain dale, even david cameron and george osbourne are relatively young. add to those to old favourites like boris johnson, willaim hague (who is a great politician just not a good leader!), kenneth clarke etc and you see that they are a capable party. i think given another term or two we will see the Conservative party up to its former strength.
definately not! most reasonably people do not want to be in government, never mind being capable of it! i would hazard a guess that a representative government would not be a good one either as it wouldnt ever agree on anything
Hey folks i hope you can help me, im realy confused on who to vote for, my biggest problem is the council tax, as im working class, single, on a fixed wage. I want to vote labour as i believe they are alot better than the others, except i cant find anywhere, if they have plans to help me with it, i here about the pensioners which is LONG over due, but i dont have the money like most people, and i either my wages arrestted or go with out eitherf ood or paying other bills to pay the evil edinburgh council.
HAS ANYBODY HEARD WHAT THERE PLANS ARE FOR PEOPLE WHO CANT AFFORD TO PAY, im guessing you have to be married and have kids to justify getting help in this country.
This is true but a lot of people are quite happy to be armchair politicians! How about this for an idea then. We do a reality TV show where viewers put forward policies and we all vote on a live Saturday night show! It could be presented by Phillip Schofield and Mystic Meg. That would be true 21st century democracy wouldn't it?
id never tell anyone how to vote so what i recomend is that you explain your situation to each of your local candidates by email and see which response satisfys your needs.

the list of local mp's for your constituency can be found here

What I'd love is instead of all the parties spending loads of money slagging each other off, is if they all just actually told me with no BS what it was that they were actually going to try to achieve
but that wouldnt be politics my friend

unfortunately BS is all part and parcel, as is mud slinging. this is especially true in election campaigns though this one has been particularly vicious with more accusations of lying than any other in history i think.

all i can say on the subject is that current economic stability is a direct result of thatcherite economic investment rather than gordon brown, and that the average person pays more tax now than they would have if the poll tax had remained. i dont know how labour gets aways with it.
Ey ey. So The Sun is backing Blair. How ironic - there there first to admit that his goverment is a shamble, yet they are giving him another chance to achive the aims that he promised in 1997. WERE NOW IN 2005!!!!!!
I remember the end of the last conservative government, and anyone who thinks the country is worse off now than then needs to get themselves checked over for Alzheimers
this thread is highlighting some important points about the UK.

We all know we are being spoon-fed lies, spin, BS and sweeteners, yet we are powerless to do anything about it. Our system has deteriorated into a farce and image over-rides substance at EVERY level.

If just one politician could bring themselves to rise above the insults thrown from the other side and have the balls to be honest about the problems and the length of time it will take to make positive changes noticable at grass-roots level then they would earn my respect.

As it is these people are leeching money from us all and creating a society based on a sound-bite mentality where they think we are too stupid to be given detailed accounts of the problems and can only handle information if it is couched in worn-out cliches.

This is not just the fault of the politicians, a significant portion of the blame can be apportioned to the tabloid press and their assinine approach to journalism. But then, their job is to sell newspapers and we keep buying the crap they are printing, so the message the grass-roots is sending back up the chain is quite simple;

"We are stupid minions who need our information expressed in the lowest common form, we like watching/listening to adults comminicate like surly adolescents, we are too stupid to be trusted with the truth and we don't care if it stays like this as long the bird on page 3 has got her top off!"
...and I remember Thatcher too. It wasn't pretty.

Xenmaster speaks the truth. I'd like my MP to actually represent me in Parliament and to be honest with me about what is going on so that I can make informed choices when I tell him/her what I'd like to see done. These people are supposed to be working for us.