Election Day! America rejects war...

Can't say I really look forward t that, but it's a far cry better than what the hell we have now. I'd sacriface my left nut to get the goon out of office tonight.
What do you think of the contention by Michael Moore, Greg Palast and others that the Republicans have been busy whitewashing (potentially Democratic) Black and Hispanic people off the voting lists in order to get back in power in 08? Their arguments seem fairly convicing (ie they appear to have evidence to back it up) but if that was the case then the Dems wouldn't have won in this round of elections would they? Or is it a different way of voting? (Sorry, v.ignorant about US voting systems - I know you have computers and punchy hole machines but that's about it)
There's always some shady dealings when it comes to elections, so that is possible, but I'd take anything Moore says with a grain of salt
I have to point out I have it on fairly good authority that the U.S. voting systems is thoroughly screwed up The actual physical security of the systems is genuinely questionable (And by questionable I mean crap)

You have to consider the guys that win the elections these days are the ones smart enough to hack more systems than the other guy, some of you may feel that this is a hole in the electoral system, I personally welcome this new turn as we now at least have some form of quality control on our elected officials beyond it being a popularity contest (Basic computer literacy is a requirement in most jobs these days anyway right ).
Both parties fail miserably at doing their job, which is representing what the people want. They are self-serving idiots that think they alone know what is best for our country and her people.

An elected officials one job should be the protection of the citizens, physically, legally and ethically. And that should be based on what the people want. If the politician can't perform, BAM! you're out of there ASAP.

They spend too much time clouding the improtant issues with stupid sh1t like gay marriage, abortion rights, or in the case of Seattle, regulating lap dances in a strip club.
Politics shouldn't be a profession. It should be a service, not something you use to line your pockets with more money.
As stated ealier, a ton of salt. Are there issues? Sure!

-Requiring people to show up with photo id's, knowing that mostly minority districts (for whatever reason) contain lots of people who don't drive and therefore don't have an ID (not saying I agree with it, but...)
-The "no-felon" voting thing ticks me off, especially since most of those felons are minorities.

You guys can debate whether it's intentional or coincedental. I only care about solutions, which there were for the first. We'll never resolve the second, I suspect.
Now we all know that third-party votes are useless as a bike for you your pet goldfish. I understand the mentality of "protest" which comes from voting third party, but that's what gets lousy politicians elected.

Until there is a major overhaul in the US system, third parties are akin to throwing your vote away. And that's why we have the cowboy in the White House now.
Even if a person doesn't drive, they are still required to have some type of ID. States issue State ID's. And as far as I know, felons have never been able to legally vote. It has nothing to do with race.
I know a number of people who are not in possession of state-issued IDs, in spite of the laws. As I said, that was remedied (a lease, utility bills, etc). And who are the people not likely to have state-issued ids? Those who live in larger cities and cannot afford to drive,,, yup, minorities.

From the Human Rights Watch:

By the mid-nineteenth century, less than half the US states has disenfranchisement statutes, and many of them have been amended through the years because they specifically precluded protected classes of citizens from voting. Well, looking at the stats, disenfranchisement laws certainly impact the minority communities, especially the african-american communities, which *gasp*, tend to vote Democrat.... do the math yourself
How many of these people without any form of ID do you honestly think are registered to vote in the first place? If it was an actual concern to someone that wanted to vote, they would remedy the problem. I see this as a simple finger-pointing to show how "evil" one political group is. Without out someway to verify who the person is, how do you know who is voting?

If someone can't live within the laws and norms of our society, why should they be allowed to help makes decisions affecting it? Who cares what their racial/ethnic background is? If they are a felon, they have already proven that they can't meet basic standards of civilization. Game over, you can't play anymore.

It's only people trying to make a stink that say the Republicans are trying to keep minorities from voting and use items like this, in my opinion.

Mind you, I am rather biased, being that I am neither a felon, nor without proof of my citizenship and Identity.