End of my rope. Should I report my roommate?


May 14, 2008
I live in an apartment building owned by the school, so dorm rules apply. As for my roommates, I was unfortunate enough to be stuck with the two of them last semester when my friends moved out. They're "best friends" and I've done everything I could to be patient with their blatant disregard for almost every dorm rule (even at the cost of knowing that if they are caught, I'll be suspended from school as well and possibly go to court just because I knew about it).

Now one of those roommates (I'm not sure about the other) has taken it upon herself to use our dorm as a place for her to invite people over (mostly guys) and smoke pot in her room with the door closed. She asked me last semester if it was okay. I said no. Then, this semester, I smelled pot in the apartment and we discussed it and she said that it was reasonable for me to ask her to stop doing it in the apartment, thus she said she would not do it again. Yet, I returned back to the apartment this morning after being gone for the weekend and the entire apartment smells of stale pot smoke. Even Lysol didn't entirely cover it up. Now it just smells like Lysol and pot. It's vile--and very obvious.

I don't know what to do anymore. Obviously, she doesn't care how many times I tell her not to, and according to our housing contract, if I "know" she is smoking pot and do not report her, I could be suspended from school along with her (and I'm graduating in two months!!)

BUT BUT BUT, if I report her, she will not only know who reported it, but "IF" she does get suspended, I will be stuck sharing the apartment with her best friend--which assures a miserable last two months of college. Her friend already isn't very nice to start with.

What should I do?