Have you ever loved a magazine so much that you wanted to reach out and touch it in its special internet-place? Yeah, us neither. Apparently, though, some Facebook-inclined people need to have this kind of relationship with New York magazine. They want to tell it their thoughts, like "I wish 2 be the editor of NY MAG ONE DAY!" Good luck with that, Sarah Sarway (Yeshiva of Flatbush). Also, if you ask a question on the Wall, there's a chance that ice-princess publicist Serena Torrey will deign to lower herself to personally answering you. Her avatar is a photograph of three pigs. The pigs represent Adam Moss, Bruce Wasserstein, and the younger Wasserstein who secretly owns the magazine. Or: ignorance, stealth, and narcissism. Or: the three vanities. Or: Appolonia 6. Go on, poke her!
We [Heart] New York magazine! [Facebook] </img>