EnV2 vs. Alias?


May 11, 2008
I have the verizon alias (schU740) And i was thinking about getting the EnV 2. Which one do you guys like better? And which one do you think i should go with?
Alias cause the EnV2 it really ugly when it is closed and the closed screen is small. My friend has the Alias and it is really really cool, I LOVE IT
Alias cause the EnV2 it really ugly when it is closed and the closed screen is small. My friend has the Alias and it is really really cool, I LOVE IT

ENV2 has bigger keyboard easier to type alias is all cramped in Alias is a bit cheaper a bit lighter and open both ways unlike the ENV2 they are both from Verizon
the env2 is AWESOME i hav it it rocks!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! my sis has the alias its really weird hers broke 3 times and the screen TOTALLY got messed up it turned all fuzzy seriously the env2 is da way 2 go