Everyone needs to know how to fight! help eachother out.

i am smaller so i go for speed, when im going agains a big guy i use speed and dodge some punches then use high power high speed punches. and usually people are getting hit so much that they get disoriented and just fall apart
well i dont fight just to fight i do it when im really mad like anybody else so its not really my decision who i fight
If your about to get jumped by multiple attackers, start kicking knees. You can take down the biggest dude there, his knee will buckle and he will fall in pain.
its called krav maga. its called the single hands down most effective fighting technique in the world. krav maga shows you how to handle multiple attackers quickly, effectively, and easily. it builds mental reactions instead of teaching you complicated and hard to remember moves and combinations. i've been taking it for 5 months and have never lost a fight since.

EDIT: its also taught virtually everywhere and very easy to learn
EDIT #2: it's also the standard close combat technique used by the israeli military
damn dude thats freaking baller. Im going to take up some classes after I graduate high school, how old are you?
i'm the youngest by far. you can have the option of taking a group class with usually around 15 people. the classes are run by rank, however, unlike most martial arts there are levels instead of belts. it goes Level 1 (Beginner- you know the basic moves of krav maga but when using it it looks pretty awkward) Level 2 (Intermediate/Trainee- you react instinctively but don't always piece together the right move at the right time, by level 2 most people unless considering a career in contract killing should be fine) and then theres Level 3 which is fairly hard to reach and requires alot of work which is basically fluid reactions. after passing level 3 you reach Tier II Level 1 which is another whole bar. then after reaching Tier II Level 3 you can go to Tier III which to my knowledge has only been attained by two people. Darian or Darius (don't know the last name but is now the modern leader of krav maga) and the founded of krav, Imi. to reach Tier II you've gotta travel to Israel and pass their test which few are willing to do. Krav isn't very graceful thoughso if you're looking to impress people with moves like jet lee this isn't for you. krav maga is blunt and effective.
Lol, that's exactly how I sounded it out over hearing it again and again from Super Smash Bros. lol.