Evolution Bashing Thread


Mar 4, 2008
Ya Ya, I know I'm gonna really get in trouble for this one
But to clarify this isn't really bashing anything, just stating my beliefs
Nothing evolved, everything was created as is, a tree was created a horse was created a horse it didnt' evolve from a......hmmm....a chicken
Humans where created humans they didn't evolve from apes, dinosaurs where created dinos and died out I guess, but they didn't evolve into modern day birds....or anything. A tree was created a tree and so forth...you get my drift. This universe was not brought into being by a mistake....or by a big explosion that happened. All things where created. I hope to spark a good discussion debate between evolutionist and people who believe in creation here. I have so much more to say, but I have to go, But I'll be back with more as soon as the ball starts rolling

PS: Bring everything you've got to the table as proof to state your claim
As I said, I'll be back with more ammo later gotta run
if you are looking from the traditional christian point of view look here. nowhere in the bible does it say that the first of the human race were human. it simply says that adam was created in god's image. so it could be possible that adam was a monkey.
that goes for everything else to
It was only a matter of time really.......

If we failed to persuade you that creationism, as a theory, is wildy inaccurate and full of holes in the numerous threads before this one, what makes you think that anything we say now might change your mind?

I think you'll have your work cut out to get anyone else to agree with your...unusual theory.
All wrong. Try reading your grade 1 science books.
Or this: http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/courtenay1.htm
If you refuse to accept a sound argument, proved and reasoned logically and correctly, then there's nothing we can do for you. Of course, this makes you a cretin, but what the hell...
Back with more ammo? Your "ammo" will likely be based on faith/religious sources. Which, as a rule, proves nothing except the belief of the faithful!

Also, if you were to accept a god as a real being, why is it that the god you believe wouldn't start evolution? I don't like these arguements because those who are creationist are static in their stance, usually (from what I've seen)

Maybe creationist are right, and evolution didn't happen, and maybe the Earth is 10,000 years old like some conservatives say it is
Well, congratulations on your clearly unshakable faith, but remember that blind faith is the most dangerous thing in the world. Keep your eyes open, and listen to the other side. If you can bring some honest, proven scientific proof to back your claim up, I would be happy to listen. As it stands, I've never heard anything unshakable from your camp yet. Good luck.
I don't believe in cars. I refuse to accept any evidence that cars are built. Despite all evidence to the contrary, I believe that roads are actually used by people who walk extremely fast. I will not accept or even consider any alternative theories, and will simply restate my opinion to anyone who disagrees with me in order to disprove their beliefs.
The biggest and saddest mistake that just about every christian makes, EVOLUTION HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH CREATION! Its kind of like buying a used car covered in dents and blindly saying that it was created that way, despite the fact that the dents are rock sized and there are bullet's lodged in the car's exterior.

Every Christian should read http://www.jacobspinney.com/tomshort.htm , they should also stop being such unshakable buffoons and learn about what they are preaching against before looking like idiots. I respect Christians who are not afraid to re-examine their faith and adapt, but not those who blind themselves to the logic and reason that their "god" has given them and preach blindly on about topics they know nothing about.

Blindly challenging things like evolution with what looks like little understanding of it really seems more like a flight or fight response to me, you are afraid that your faith is going to be gone and you will be all alone if you decide that you are not a christian after all (not saying we are all not christians, just that some are not) so instead of becoming knowledgable and becoming stronger in the end, you become an ignorant buffoon.

Btw, this was not directed to you wayofthedragon, I was speaking more towards even sillier preachers of sillyness.
Have you guys looked into 'Creation Science'? It is absolutely fascinating, some of it claims that the history of mankind should date back millions and millions of years and not just hundreds of thousands.

It's well known that fossil trilobites have been discovered with what appear to be a human sandal print in them. Also human footprints have been discovered 'running' alongside dinosaur tracks!

Similarly, Inca stones have been found with pitures on them clearly showing guys riding around on triceratops. These stones date back to before dinosaurs were 'discovered'.

Now, I'm saying it's true, far from it I studied zoology and palaeontology at university, but it makes great reading!
Please tell me there was sarcasm in that last post. Please. If it isn't sarcastic, that is a very very sad post. Unfortunately, it's about the most coherent argument I've heard lately for Creationism.
I'm so curious as to why apes have stopped evolving into human being's in the past thousand or so years

Just a thought.
Because the apes that carried the genes that led to human beings no longer exist, their bloodlines made their way into humanity. At least, that's what evolution states. Also, it's a damned slow process. Evolution takes longer than reliable written history can record.
I sometimes wonder about all this science and stuff I mean scientist were once convinced the world was flat But then that was just a theory...
100 years ago the average human was 5 ft. tall. Now, the average human is 6 ft. tall. Is that not evolution?
Possibly better levels of nutrition now as opposed to 100 years ago. Don't think 100 years is enough time for significant evolution to occur in a species that lives as long as humans.