Ex-Christians Atheists, what actually didn't make sense in Xianity?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
and what's the fault of other religions if they perfectly make sense.
@person who says nothing made sense.

can you give some examples.
What didn't make since was the historical and scientific inaccuracies of a book that is supposed to be "god-breathed".
Original sin makes no sense even if most of the rest of the stuff is correct. And there is no evidence that the rest of the stuff is correct either.
The whole thing sounded made up. You could compare it to other religions, mythologies, and fairy tales, and Christianity doesn't sound much different. There is just no good evidence or reason to believe that Christianity, it's prophecies, and it's idea on what happens after you die have any merit. I'm not even asking for scientific evidence. Heck, personal experience is good enough for me, but even that leaves Christianity lacking. Whenever I hear of people speak of their personal experience with Christ, God, or what have you, it sounds like they don't have a clue as to what they are talking about. Their view of God always seems to reflect who they are. "Christ" and "Jesus" just seem to be these icons that they grasp onto solely as a means to sooth whatever void they feel in themselves. Even the near death experiences of most people contradict the Christian doctrine. There is also the fact that Christianity is split into tens of thousands of different sects. That seems extremely unlikely for a religion of absolute truth.
Sounds like you're looking for proof that Christianity doesn't make sense. I agree with a point someone else made. Not that once you're saved, you're always saved...but that if you REALLY get to know God and His love, there's no turning back. :)
Ex-Christians is an oxymoron. Ever hear of eternal salvation? Once you have it, you ALWAYS have it!
The first thing that pushed me from christianity was the hipocrisy of christians. Withouth constant reinforcement I just questioned everything and saw it didn't make sense. Didn't see any difference between the story in the bible and any other comic book or fairy tale.
Now that I look back, I still didn't believe it completely, they just kept reinforcing this belief every week in church. It only took one sunday of staying home for me to start drifting away, and withing a month I was convinced and disgusted.
No proof. None. "Hey everybody, you should beleive in this magical man in the sky that nobody has actually ever seen, but you should beleive in him anyways! oh yeah and by the way, you should believe that his son who walks on water was born here because god knocked up some chick"