Ex-Spartan memorably rants about Tom Izzo, weed and the NCAA


Jun 17, 2007
The hatred Michigan State coach Tom Izzo already has for Twitter undoubtedly intensified Wednesday as a result of an alcohol-fueled rant by one of his former players.
Garrick Sherman, an ex-Spartans big man who later finished his career at Notre Dame, unleashed a memorable series of tweets about his two years in East Lansing. Among the subjects the 6-foot-10 center touched on included his poor relationship with Izzo, rampant marijuana use among his Michigan State teammates and the time he urinated in a condom to help an ex-Spartans wing pass a drug test.
(And, warning, some of Sherman's language was NSFW)
At the final four izzo told me “not to fucking embarrass myself in front of a crowd bigger than my home town” after I air balled a shot ???
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
I pissed in a condom and gave it to Durrell summers to pass a drug test. Suck it #NCAA #stillwenttothefinalfour #suckstobeyou
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
If that last tweet doesn’t make me twitter famous I give up
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
Besides, What is the ncaa gonna do?! Give my final four ring to Utah state, the next relevant university who didn’t bend the rules behind us
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
Izzo might actually hate me more ( if that’s possible) when he loses scholarships cause I drunkenly spilled half his team smoked weed ???
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
The timing of Sherman's tweet coincided with the end of his professional team's season in the country of Georgia. It was well past 2 a.m. in Georgia when Sherman began tweeting and he acknowledged that he had been drinking for quite a while.*
Yes I know my tweets have been more risqué than usual. Our season ended today so I may or may not have consumed some alcohol.
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
Over/under 100 followers I lose on this drunken rampage
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
Why would Sherman reveal things that paint the Michigan State program in a bad light? He insists it was to spotlight the ineffectiveness of the NCAA rather than to embarrass Izzo or the Spartans.*
If nothing else gets accomplished. Let this Twitter rant show the inability of the ncaa to do anything at all of substance
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
You guys miss the entire point lol every team in NCAA smokes. My point is NCAA is a joke. I still cheer for MSU. I have no resentment at all
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 28, 2015
Last time, I don’t dislike msu. I like them. Honestly!! I liked my teammates!!! I just think the NCAA is a joke. But do as you wish Twitter
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 28, 2015
Such an epic rant wouldn't be complete without a couple more cheap shots, and Sherman definitely did not disappoint.
First target: Kentucky
Honestly,though if the ncaa is concerned about my helping out a teammate through being sober,Kentucky players salary should be more concern
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 27, 2015
Next up: Doug Gottlieb, whom Sherman had feuded with previously over a crack the CBS analyst made about his beard.
Where’s my boy Gottlieb? I wanna go at his bitch ass one more time lol
— Garrick Sherman (@gsherm11) May 28, 2015
Sherman was a role player at Michigan State who blossomed into a quality starter his final season at Notre Dame. He averaged 13.5 points and a team-best 7.3 rebounds for an Irish team that collapsed in the second half of the season after losing star Jerian Grant.
So Sherman had a few nice moments as a college player. None are quite as memorable, however, as Wednesday's Twitter rant.
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Jeff Eisenberg is the editor of The Dagger on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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