Exploration of Quarry. *Lots of Pics*56k*

That is cool. Theres an old mine a few towns away. I am tempted to go find it and take pics of the left over shit. I have aways found that shit facinating.
you should steal some of those cars... there 2 of them there that would be nice to fix up... the rusted brown one and the chevelle (at least i think thats what it is)
Youll get a fortune for those Catalaic Converters man, thats platinum.
Also why didnt you loot all that shit, metal everything. ItsAbandonded and you said so.

Plus i would have went and dug for bitchin stones like limestone and what not. Thats basically a goldmine cluster fuck of all kinds of money making items.

Lol on a side note, you know your in Bum-fuck-no-where when you have 2 large water towers paint blue and a abandoned quary.
I feel so nerdy, because this made me lol irl.

I'd personally take at least the truck, and all the engines.

I honestly can't tell if that is just reaaalllyyyy uniformly rusted, or what.. but it looks awesome.