Facial hair question?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
ok so im 16 started shaving freshman year (i was 14 i beleive) it was just fuzz no dark hairs. after the first shave my mustache came in dark but noting else. nowim a junior and its the same...except i have like 10 dark hairs on my chin (not a lot) i still have that fuzz stuff growing in. when did your dark hair come in and is there a way i can do it? or you just shave regularly?
ok thanks guys.
It's all dependant of genetics.

I'm 15 and i have facial hair, I just come from a family of particularly hairy dudes.

It will come in time.
It comes with age and hormone levels. You can have every one of my pain in the butt whiskers. Shaving everyday gets to be a pain in the you know what. I would love to have the peach fuzz back.