FBI: Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11?

I think it has to do with the way the towers fell. The support structures were weakened to the point that they could no longer support the weight. Much like the demolition of buildings works by destroying the support structures so that the weight is no longer supported and the building drops dramatically.
Now the FBI woulndt want to reaveal everything the know.....
Did you know that all the "secrets" of WWII will not be available for the public to real until 2020!
Apparently the governments of the allied nations decided that they would wait 75 years before any high level confidential information was released to the public.
Also, in the founder's eyes, if we had sat down to talk through the grievances of the fundamentalist/militant muslims, 9/11 could have been avoided. Another person that wants to sugar coat militant Islam because he can't admit that his religion has bred zealots, just like any other religion.

Here is another good quote from the founder, Enver Masud. This is from an article he wrote after the destruction of the Buddha statues in Bamian, Afghanistan. While he makes some good points, this quote will enlighten you to his views of Islam and what is okay under the religion.

"What would Buddha say to the U.S. that not only turned its back on the Afghans following these sacrifices, but continues to fuel a civil war against the Taliban which has brought a large measure of security to the 90 percent of Afghanistan which it controls, is reported to have wiped out virtually all opium production (roughly 75 percent of the world's supply), but sees peace and progress thwarted by the U.S.? "

Notice, he is saying how great the Taliban were and how the US ruined what the had accomplished.....
Looking at the growing support that the Taliban are getting in Afghanistan, it seems that the Afghan people feel the same and would rather have a Taliban government than a US puppet government.
Have you spoken with any Afghans about your "opinion"? You are quite wrong, sir.
Yeah and we all know just how much Bil Gee travels.

The Afghan people obviously are not crazy about a puppet government... but that doesn't automatically qualify them as supporting a Taleban led government... otherwise there wouldn't have been such popular support for the Northern Alliance and the reverance for the Mujahedin and Ahmed Shah Massoud.

The Taleban have gone in with a brand of Islam that isn't native to Afghanistan nor is it readily accepted by the majority of the population. You're certainly not going to find too many Tajiks, Hazara's or Uzbeks fond of the Taleban... that's almost laughable.... that lot going to bat for a Pashtun led government?! Errr.... no.

If it was then you wouldn't have the Taleban organizing public executions and brutally ruling their own people with an iron fist.

Please do some research.
While the US isn't popular the Taliban are much less popular.

The 9/11 commission does blame Al Qeida with UBL being the head of it.
You aren't comparing like-for-like. The USA is a country, while the Taliban is a political organisation.

If you compared the popularity of the USA with that of Afghanistan then that would be a valid comparison (and I suspect that the results would disappoint you, but probably not surprise you! )

If you compared the popularity of the Taliban within Afghanistan with the popularity of (say) the Republican Party within the USA, then that might be a closer contest. (Which is a rather flippant point, but one which I find vaguely amusing.)
your wrong

The Taliban took over by force and was running the country, than the US military took over, now a democratically elected Afgani gov't is running things with US military support. I can easily compare them.

The Taliban is less popular than the US military which is not very popular.
a puppet govenment more like, how can you have a democracy when your country is overrun with foreign troups ?
Like it or not they're going to have to have foreign troops on their soil for a long time to come. Their present army is in no shape to do any form of policing of Khabul much less the districts that support the Taleban. They haven't got the training and they haven't got the infrastructure.

Most Afghans are simply tired of war and I'm sure don't really care who does the policing as long as it helps them to get their economy back on track.
The Taliban was running the country as roughshod and haphazardly as possible. Not 'running a country' in any way shape or form what the rest of the modern world would consider governance. Unless you consider public executions and settling old tribal grudges through abuse of power 'running a country'.

I suggest you find out just how bad things were under the Taliban before you hold them up as some example of good governance.

You can buy it makes little sense to.

Ummm I was arguing against the Taliban. I have no idea how you got the idea I was arguing for it. I don't hold up the Taliban as a people who were good at governing just that they are LESS popular than the US forces.

I think the US government is a puppet gov't and we don't have foreign troops here. Bush didn't get the popular vote in 2000. Don't you know? The Jews run everything

http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorists/fugitives.htm (read yellow highlighted area)

I think we have an imposter... Enver Masud
I think the site that's created is to protect Muslim interests. Not only that but I think to somewhat try to protect him, to somehow "cover up".

The FBI should update their information on Osama. Enver Masud only chose to see the home page that didn't say that he was involved.

But what I have found was the list of terrorists that were connected to 9/11.

Here's something that I've found in reply to the article created by Enver Masud, on this site: http://www.8thestate.com/
Sanaku, the UK, the FRG, South Korea and Japan had (and still do) foreign troops all over their soil. Do they not have democratic governments?
Cheney owns stock in Halliburton, Halliburton stock is now at it's highest (70.41 current price) compared to 1998 (about 60 bucks). Around 2002, Halliburton stock took a nose dive from 50.00-60.00 range to 12.00-13.00.

Now, say if you invested a minimum of 1,000.00 at 13.00 per stock and you cash in at 70.41. You've made atleast over 4,000.00 with dividends.

Bush will more likely have stock just like Cheney. Maybe, I'm wrong. Well, thats my two cents.