Feeling suicidal every night?


New member
Jul 6, 2013
I thought I was just going to feel like this for a couple days, but that turned out to be a week and a half.

I don't know what to do anymore. The only thing I feel like doing is blasting music and scratching my wrist with my fingernails (the marks always fade in the morning, so that's why I opt for this way) and then just lay there and feel my arm burning.

I honestly think my boyfriend is just fed up with it. He's not at home when I do this (at work), but he knows. He acts like he cares and is worried, but I know he's completely stressed out and tired of me always hurting inside. So am I...

I feel like a damn burden. And he can't get rid of me because 1) I have no friends and my family does not talk to me and made it very clear that they would never again and 2) I live with him, so I have nowhere to go.

I just want to be okay???