Fellow Christians- Do you have any ideas on how I can raise money for a missionary


May 25, 2008
trip? Hi Fellow Sisters and Brothers!

God recently revealed to me that He wants me to be a missionary in Africa this fall with my church! A very exciting calling indeed! I have never been a missionary before, but I know it will be an awesome experience in more ways than one! My church is having a group go to Karatu, Tanzania(in the northern part of the country) this fall to help local villagers build a clinic, school, and church buildings; and to teach children English and provide care for hospital patients.

The trip is expensive- $3,840. I don't have that much money, and I only make $11.35 an hour. Do any of you have any ideas on how I can raise that much money so I can serve our Lord this fall? I've sent a lot of support letters to friends and `family. I'm very blessed to have the friends and family I do, but nobody I know has that much money. Anybody have any good ideas? This is an exciting, but difficult challenge I'm facing. Thanks, and God Bless! Traveler
Hi Pangloss,

I'm neither medically trained nor a teacher. I'm not sure if I'll be evangelizing or not. I've never felt comfortable evangelizing. I heard that by loving and caring about the villagers is a way to share my faith. I'll probably be doing a lot of manual labor, since I don't have any skills in construction.

According to my newsletter, here are the five things my church will be doing in Tanzania-

1)Teaching English to elementary school kids.

2)Visiting orphanages and hospitals.

3)Helping build teacher and pastor housing, and schools.

4) Ministering to hospital patients.

Anyway, there's a brief summary of this trip's goals. Like I said, I've never done anything like this before, so I'm not sure what to entirely expect. However, if I can go I know it will be a great experience.
* Have a garage sale
*Mow lawns and do odd jobs.
* Get a second job

Or, be a real Christian and give the money to people in Africa to buy food and medicines instead of trying to convert them. Do you know children die of diseases there when the drugs needed cost as little as 25 cents a pill? Think of how much good 1000 dollars will do them.
I may be able to help you out.

Two questions for you-

Are you medically trained or a teacher?

Will you be metioning your faith and witnessing to these people while teaching them and caring for them?

Please answer these questions in additional details.
Have your church do a spaghetti lunch after/between services, with the option for take home. Ask somebody to donate the food, and then charge a donation to get it. Donations ALWAYS bring in more than a flat rate because people know where it's going. My church is sending two groups to mexico this summer, and each person is $1,000. Thanks to that lunch, 19 people are now completely paid for.

This is a church of about 900 people
hey! try putting up a music fest or something.. maybe a small admission at the door.. try doing something that attracts youth like me,,,, there are a lot of bands out there that are awesome.. then maybe a few contemperary bands.. then maybe a word from the bible between the acts.. that should raise you some money.. maybe a bake sale too.. i hope i helped.

God Bless,
Why don't you do what all the churches do, brainwash some people and trick them into giving you money.