Fellow Christians: Do you have any praise reports or prayer request?


May 8, 2008
I have both!!
The praise report is that two of my friends have gave they're lives to Jesus Christ!! God,by His Spirit, had worked on both of they're hearts today, and I was there to witness both such Joyous events! I give God the praise in Jesus's Holy and Powerful name!

My prayer request is that you keep my family and my friends in your prayers.Thank you.

Do you have any praise reports or prayer requests? If so, I will be more than happy to praise God with you and keep you in my prayers.
Thank you again and may God bless all of you in Jesus's Awesome name!
Love you
"Giving their lives to Jesus Christ" is most likely just a temporary mind change that will not be sustained without the assistance of the Holy Spirit.Have them use the following prayer which frequently results in immediate baptisms of the Holy Spirit:

Lord Jesus Christ, I know I am a sinner and do not deserve eternal life.
But I believe You died and rose from the grave to take the rap for me and
with your love and forgiveness purchase a place in heaven for me.
Lord Jesus,I want to ask you to come into my life, take control of my life,
forgive my sins and save me for eternity.
I sincerely ask forgiveness for my sins and I now place my trust in you for
my salvation.
Savior I want to accept your free gift of eternal life now.
Please in your mercy save me Lord and fill me with your Holy Spirit.
I am now ready for you Lord.Take me and make me able to serve you and to
live my life for you and to become ever more pleasing to God.
I now am yours Jesus.Take my being and make me part of God's family.
Through your Holy Spirit help me to love God with my whole heart.
Thank you for this Jesus.Thank you for bringing your peace and love to me.
Now take me to your cross Jesus.I want to worship and serve you forever.
Thank you for becoming my Savior.I love you so much Lord."
I had a suspicious spot on my lung. I asked for prayer & it turned out to be benign.
I just praise God for everything that He does for me and my husband.