Fist Fighting tips?

Make sure your fist is tight and whenever you make contact your whole arm is directly straight with your hand. Put your whole body into it by shifting your weight, twisting your hips/shoulders, using your arm as a whip to transfer all that kinetic energy to your fist and whatever it hits.. Keep your wrist straight, hit with your first two knuckles. Make contact at the jaw line. Avoid throwing any wild swinging punches, keep everything inside. If he has his hands up, punch his hands and make him hit his own face with them. Once he starts dropping his hands start making contact with his nose, he'll start to turn his head and drop his chin, giving you a perfect chance to crack him in the jaw a few times. Get him moving backwards. It'll prevent him from being able to put much force into his punch without falling down. Once hes on the ground put your knee in his chest and a few more to his face until he stops fighting back. Keep your hands up with the tops of your knuckles right around your nose, a couple inches lower is okay if you're alot taller than him. If hes taller than you you want your knuckles to be right below your eyes. Stay on your toes, try to bounce a little to develope a rhythm. Move around alot. Know that if you don't give this your all, this person is going to beat the ever-living piss out of you. Losing a fight isn't the end of the world, but its painful and humiliating.
Do you want to be the man? In that case don't wait for him to come to you, go to him.

Keep your fists up and lead your punches he's most likely going to move when you swing so keep your punches short and tight that way you don't put yourself in a shitty position.

Shitty advice for a shitty thread.
There are no rules in a street fight knee to the junk punch the throat keep your hands up and kick him when hes down if needed
whatever you decide to do, start with a headbutt to his nose...worst case scenario: you lose the fight but you still look like a badass for headbutting.
Keep your Balance. Attack everywhere not only his face alot of people are very weak in their stomach and knees. Keep your balance. Stick and Move. Keep your Balance. Keep your guard up. Keep your Balance. After every punch or kick you throw place yourself back in your guard position. KEEP YOUR BALANCE!!! No matter how much it hurts he's feeling it too. There's nothing wrong with not fighting sometimes only use it as a last resort. If he has a weapon RUN you don't seem like much of a fighter dont be superman no girl is worth your life UNLESS she's your Family (Mother, Sister, Wife, Daughter).

KEEP YOUR BALANCE This is crucial if you fall its over and your really going to get hurt. AND MOST THE IMPORTANT RULE IN STREET FIGHTING..........THERE ARE NO RULES. DO WHAT NEED TO BE DONE. If you happen to get ahead and somehow drop him Kick um' ni the face.....That one of my favorites!!! Good Luck, remember you don't have to fight!
Avoid fighting at all costs, you never know who has a weapon. One of my friends got stabbed 27 times after telling someone to shut the fuck up.

If you are fighting for your life and truly think he is trying to kill you, punch him in the throat at a slight angle. It can rupture his trachea and he will suffocate to death. He had better have a weapon or you better have witnesses that saw him jump you or else you will probably get arrested for manslaughter.

Otherwise in a regular fight, if they are the type of guy who does a lot of shoving and yelling, that typically means that they are scared to fight. Wait till they shove you and step back into them with a fist directly into their nose as hard as you possibly can. They are usually expecting more of a pushing match and the fist will catch him by surprise. My roommate used to bounce at a bar and he did that to a guy. He hit him slightly to the side of the nose and broke the guy's nose, eye socket, and cheekbone, and upper jaw with 1 punch. The guy was non-responsive on the way to the hospital, but half of that was probably because he was drunk as shit. My roommate got arrested for aggravated battery but the charges were dropped. But even when the charges get dropped, you get fucked. He still had to cover $1000 for bail and a ton of money for his lawyer.
carry a weapon of some sort. if he attempts to attack you, brandish it and threaten to defend yourself with it.

if you have some preconcieved notion about some bullshit about how you need to fight him for your honor, then you desevre to get your ass kicked.
Back yourself into a corner, get on all fours and start growling. Then go for the jugular with your teeth. Make sure to lock your jaw and stay grasping his neck until his body is lifeless. Its what the wild cats do, and they are pretty baller.
bring a lot of friends for intimidation and pull a corny line like, "if u want to fight me, you have to fight all of them." Just don't bring about of pussy's.
Yeah if you dont know how to fight and he does thats probably your best choice. Just tell him you fuck with me you fuck with them
well, if you cant take him in a fair fight, put these on and wear some gloves

I love all this fucking advice...

"You should strike like Zambidis and grapple like Marcelo Garcia, I think in a streetfight situation that will work"