Fitness/ running for basketball?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I am a 16 year old girl 180 cm and 70kg who wants to get fitter for basketball. i want to improve my speed and endurance at running, also any other tips for improvement in basketball. i am currently in a medium fitness state.
Thanks :)
Just start running. I don't recommend using a treadmill or other machines, just run in your neighborhood or whatever. But here's the catch.... PUSH YOURSELF. Really work for it, thinking that this will work, over time, because it will. Just keep on pushing yourself, and you WILL be able to endure running more often. Heck, even get a stopwatch, time yourself from your home to that weird looking house at the end of the street and back. Just really try hard. And the best part about this is that this also can increase your intensity, because that's also crucial in basketball too. If you have the power to push yourself to you full extend, that could out-do many other.
The best of luck to you.
The mistake most people do when they want to get fit for basketball is they focus on jogging. That will improve your stamina, but don't focus on that. I recommend you do sprints since it resembles your movement in a basketball game.
Jogging or sprinting on the treadmill will improve your stamina.

But for the kind of feet movement in basketball, where not only do you change pace as you said, you also change direction.
So I would suggest jumping rope like the way boxers do instead of running on a treadmill.
This will help with the kind of athleticism you would need to cut through defense to get open.

And play a lot of one and 21 to improve your skills, instincts and reflexes when it comes to handling the ball.

If you have the facilities. Place some obstacles on the court as in set up a course, start at one end, and dribble at top speed through the obstacles and finish at the other end with a layup. Time yourself. Practice crossovers, behind the back and spin moves while navigating through the obstacles.