Fla. Teens Believe Drinking Bleach Will Prevent HIV

Well... this could be interpreted another way.... Those teens could be really smart actually, and be intentionally spreading stupid rumors to show lawmakers that the abstinence only program is complete shit and totally ineffective.

So either those teens are smart and trying to revamp the sex ed program or they're idiots and deserve to "not get pregnant."
well pot is sorta like birthcontroll because it lowers sperm count so i can see how they came to the conclusion of that but the other's, haha wow :crash:


says it all in the title.
my solution: dont fuck people with HIV and dont drink bleach
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the kids at my school believe this. It may have even started here and found its way down to Orlando.

Ocala = Clusterfuck of idiocy
This sounds more like propaganda. No one could be that stupid. I don't believe anyone would ever believe that garbage. I lived in Florida long enough to know even Orlando kids aren't THAT dumb. It's a clear attempt at defrauding the public, with no credible evidence that anyone is that daft. In fact, I'm sure anyone who believed that bleach could stave off AIDS and marijuana offset pregnancy would be far too incapable to live long enough to even know what sex is, let alone preform.

And to sully the great name of Mountain Dew.... well. This doesn't sit right. They'll be getting one angry e-mail. I'm glad I downloaded those 512 shades of red. I'll be putting them to good use. :dodgy: