Flying out to meet someone online. Is it safe?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I live in Tennessee and he lives in Texas.
I'm 20 and he's 22.
We met online on OkCupid and he's a really nice guy, he's even paying for my entire trip there! He was going to come here first, but it's cheaper for me to go there. (because he would have to pay for a hotel if he came here, considering I live with my parents.) We've been talking for about a month now and he's always been kind and respectful. He talks to me every day. I really want to meet him but I'm very nervous. I've flown out to places by myself before that were pretty far away, but not to meet someone and stay at their house! He told me that he'd wait until I was comfortable with it, and my brother lives in Texas, but he's about 4 hours away from where I'd be staying. This guy and I have made plans for me to stay for a week. He's even told me all the things we'd be doing. He's definitely not just after one thing and he's even been there to talk with me about things I've gone through recently.

I guess I'm just nervous, I haven't had any bad gut feelings about him, but what is the safest way for me to do this without having a car or anything when I get there? I can't afford to go on my own. My brother probably couldn't drive all the way there to meet me either...

How should I go about this? How can I tell for sure that it's safe?
Oh, and I'd probably get to meet his family too.
He's really close with his family.
Just thought I'd throw that in there...