For seniors and ex seniors in highschool....Biggest regret?

Not getting out more. I just recently started trying to be more out going and hang out with my friends more. I should have started this shit a long time ago.

Slacking off too much. I could have graduated with a 4.0 if I had applied myself more, but now I'll have to live with a 3.5. I would have been able to go to my first choice school with a better pre medical program, but I am happy I got into my second choice.

not trying in class and shit. if i had gotten good grades i would be doing 80 percent ( i think around there) better in life, but i am glad that i didnt, because school is just the governments way of judging and telling you if your going to do well in this society. :crash:

i mean you can learn a little bit i guess..
i wish i had payed attention.

i also wish i had lost a ton of weight because i was a very unhappy fat kid. so many missed chances because of my low self esteem.

now i gotta make up for so much lost time.
It's not really a regret, but our ASB rigged our election at Prom this year so I didn't get Prom king. Obviously, the only jock on the ballot got it. But I can gaurantee you if they actually counted the votes, I would've won in a landslide. The kids who aren't jocks don't even like the guy.

Other than that, I'm extremely satisfied with my high school experience. Stealing the janitors carts, driving my car on the school track at night, everything. This year I have a 4.0, but that's because half of my classes are easy :-(

Either way, it's been fun. Made a lot of friends, met new people, etc. I'm a social guy, so I'm one of the few people who doesn't want to leave HS at all. I could stay here forever!

EDIT: Yeah, I never played any high school sports. But I don't really regret it because I think being friends with the people I am now would be better than being in the jock crowd because in retrospect, [most of] the jocks at my school are asses.
BCC stands for Brookdale Community College?

There's probably lots of community colleges located in towns that start with B.
lulz, I got my associates from a BCC....Bristol Community College....

Anyway, I have 0 regrets from High School. I still keep in touch with the people who matter, got rid of all the fuckin homo's I chilled with who told me I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didnt goto Sr. prom.....yea, havent regretted that one bit.:rolleyes:

High School was fun, easy, and retarded all at the same time. I cant honestly say I'd change a thing, except lower my standards. If I knew pussy was pussy I'da just fucked all the fat chicks and sluts. Especially if I knew how little of these people I'd know now.
Spending so much god damn time on the computer, seriously my first 2 years were basically playing an MMO.

Not applying myself, I never really tried and wouldnt challenge myself, I have 3.1 overall but if I actually gave a damn I wouldnt be going to a community college.

Quitting water polo.

Caring what others think

Not being more outgoing

Not getting involved with anything.

Basically, HS sucked for me because I let it, im looking forward to a fresh start in college.
I probably would have studied more and played more music than I did.

Knowing what I know about women that I do now would have been useful at age 16.

I'm happy where I am now though so I really wouldn't have changed much.
Wish I would've tried harder. I ended up with a shitty GPA, but my test scores say I'm capable of so much more.

Wish I would've actually dated a couple of the girls that were interested instead of being so obsessed with just hooking up with the chicks at parties.

That's really it.