Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

I don't know...I think Russia is whooping all of our asses in terms of government corruption.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Yes, but in countries like Russia corruption isn't an aberration: it's the system. In countries like the USA and the UK, politicians smile and pretend to be Knights in shining armour while they bend the electorate over the table and seriously violate TOS on us.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

We can blame money in politics etc etc, but ultimately, we the people have to go to the Polls and vote. If Americans/Brits/Germans/Russians are too stupid to be able to find out the truth behind the attack ads and rhetoric, then maybe we deserve to be [TOS Violation] with a [TOS Violation] whilst riding a [TOS Violation] backwards.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

If you ask me, democracy has had it's day. Democracy is only useful in so far as it serves a leftwing, liberal agenda. If they can't be trusted to vote correctly any more, it's time to take their toys away from them.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

I can't think of a better alternative than democracy. Even the most benign dictatorship will become repressive eventually. As long as there are very wealthy people in society, they will find a way to buy power and influence. That's the crux of the matter.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

So if that is the case... what do you propose in it's place?
A benevolent dictator? And if we go that route or something similar then how does that square up with first Baron Acton's sentiment that "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

I'm curious if you are talking literally here. Care to post up some examples to show exactly what you mean?
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Well, ideally, you'd all vote for me on a more or less compulsory basis. I'd expect huge posters of me during the sham election, then we'd all have a huge military parade in my honour.
OK, I take your point.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

I'm not motivated enough to dig up news articles, but yes, I'm being literal. Corps hire mercs to bust strikes, to keep the public away from the PB oil spill, and to police New Orleans after the flood (actually this last one was probably our own government, but I make little distinction between that and the corps that run it). There are many other examples, but those should do to illustrate my point.

Obviously, but I was discussing First World countries here.

This is an overly simplistic and very naive' view in my opinion.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Is that perhaps the flip side of paranoid and conspiracy theory freakish?
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

That's probably a very good way of looking at it, yes. The idea that the playing field is level enough with the almighty vote in this day and age takes an impressive amount of head-sand burying.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

So out of curiosity what do you suggest. If I gather correctly from your posts that voting is by and large pointless then where to if we accept that to be the case?
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Well I have an alternative to Democracy. I like to call it Randemocracy.

In this system our reprisentatives are selected randomly just as they are for jury service. Lets face it most of the people that get elected are career politicians, no better qualified to run a country than you or I. So why were they elected? Because they were the the most popular/pretiest face on offer. A bit like the X-Factor.

There will be checks and balances in place to prevent idiots/evil geniuses from gaining power, and a set term with no hope of re selection. This would prevent the blight of short term politics as a vehicle for re-election (The true bane of Democratic Government
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

No, it's the cold hard truth.

Everyone gets one vote. If they vote for the wrong person, they can blame no one but themselves.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

We move to educate people and then to reform and transparency in our voting system. We need to essentially remove the money from politics. There was a guest on the Daily Show with some clever ideas in this regard to a neutral electronic system that allowed small anonymous campaign donations that could later be retracted by the donators if the politicians didn't honor their voting obligations.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

So firstly you need a perfectly secure distributed electronic voting system. The problem is, perfect security does not exist.

Secondly - what happens when the donators try to retract their donations, and the money's already spent? Is it subtracted from government funds instead, so the taxpayer gets to pay the price for people changing their minds about giving money?

Plus such a system would be ripe for abuse - what's to stop a large, well-funded lobbyist from simply making thousands of these small, anonymous donations and then pointing out to the politician in question that if they vote against these, they will be bankrupted?
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

It's not as crazy as it sounds. The Athenians selected their magistrates or archons by a similar system.
In all seriousness, you have to agree with Churchill here- democracy isn't perfect, but so far it's the best we've come up with. Mind you, the belgians seem to be doing OK with no real government at all in place!
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

I was just about to quote Churchill myself: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others."

But hey, this thread isn't about government. This thread is about how lousy Fox News is.
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

Fair point. I've had to readjust my stance on public executions. It now reads:
"I am against public executions, except with regard to the staff of fox news"
Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

If you want the answers to these questions, read the guy's book. He addressed some of them during the interview though.