Free Veyron

Apr 17, 2009
Ok, everyone gets those free mobile phone, you've won a holiday etc. type calls.

Well today, and this is for real, I got a call from some company named something like prize car automobiles saying I had been selected from a random draw to win a bugatti veyron...

These things are just such a pain in the ass and they keep getting worse.... :rolleyes:
What they didn't say is that you actually won this:

there'll deffo be some dumb catch.. like you have to share it with all the other 1000 prize winners, or ring a hotline that ends up costing as much as the car..
I dont know whether its worth calling the claims number just for fun, it doesnt say home much it costs should I post the number here?
Is it an 09 number...if it is..most likely they've targeted 1000's of people...who will call these lines for a few mins at آ$1.50 a min...and they'll make a quick آ$5k or so.