Fuel consumption for a Mazda RX-8?


New member
Feb 25, 2013
I'm going to look at an RX-8 tomorrow, although my uncle has seriously warned me against getting one! He had one and said the mpg is horrific, however when I've looked it doesn't actually seem so bad..I know it's not great but he's not got a Range Rover and surely it can't be that different!? Can anyone tell me how much petrol (i.e. £5/10 or whatever) I would use on a 10 mile journey? The journey I do the most is from Manchester city centre to Hale village which is a few sets of lights, but mostly 40mph roads/motorway. Thanks!
It's not uninsurable for under 25s as I'm 20 and my insurance has already said yes..it's only marginally higher than my W reg 1.4 Polo! I understand mpg and all I'm just trying to think more simply about it. As for it being a tenner for 20 miles I spend at least a fiver doing the Manchester to Hale journey currently so tbh to have a nice car that doesn't seem too horrific to me, sick of driving a shed! If anyone has any other suggestions for another car I could get for £3000 that's actually a nice looking car that doesn't have a really high mileage I'd be appreciative.
The MOST that you can EXPECT TO GET from a Mazda RX-8 using Country Roads / Motorway is 20 m.p.g. DRIVING with a REALLY GENTLE / DELICATE RIGHT FOOT !

N.B. The Wankel Rotary Engine is WELL-KNOWN & NOTORIOUS for being a really JUICY / THIRSTY Engine ! It's a bit like carrying a Bucket of Water that has got ever so many holes all over it, you DON'T get very far before ALL the Water has drained away !
If you have to think in terms of petrol in £5/£10 units, forget it. RX8s are terrible on fuel, a tenner will get you about 20 miles.
Add to that the engines are probably the worst, most unreliable things fitted to any car of the last 50 years, they guzzle oil too and it'll be uninsurable if you're under 25.

Avoid them like the plague.