Fun with stupid people


New member
Apr 5, 2008
"Where was the Berlin Wall?"
Wow jus wow. That was scary.

"How many world wars were there?"

"Three" How did i miss the third world war?????
That is a little bit worrying. Either they interviewed about 1,000,000 people, or there are a hell of a lot of ignorant people out there.
Yep, they're called "Americans". So wrapped up in their own little world, they haven't got a clue whats going on around them
CNNN, I suspect, is a spoof comedy show. Further, I can reproduce that "proof" anywhere in the world by interview a hundred people and picking out the dumbest in the crowd. To use that to say that Americans are stupid is complete and utter crap.

Why is it socially acceptable to say that Americans are stupid, but if anyone were to turn around and say that about any other country in the world that would be bad? If I were to say that Italy were fully of swarmy stupid men who use too much aftershave, I would be racist. If I were to say that England were full of dumb football hooligans who only like to fight, I would again be racist. Yet it is ok to say that Americans are all morons who don't know anything other then fast food jingles? Bull. That's racist. That is also ignoring the continuing contribution of American scientists, historians, authors and singers. It is also ignoring the contributions of many of the American posters on MAP.
the same reason it's okay right now to blame everything on white males. "double standard" is a very useful term to be familiar with these days, unfortunately
I'm with wry on this one, half of it seems to be stupid answers, the other half were one word answers with no clue to the original queston which could well have been faked, especially since you can't see the interviewer. The sound could easily have been edited for comic effect. If it had been in one shot asking a random selection of people from the street it would be more believable, but there were too many elements in this which could have been faked.
So... Americans
You have this guy leading you, a guy who's intellect rivals that of a woolouse. You even know it, yet you vote the eejit in twice!

Yes, I can see, the Majority of Americans (that'll be mostly the same "Majority" that voted for bush) are far from dim.
Actually the man is smart, he just has an unfortunate penchent for saying stupid things. And I don't personally like him, so I PICK OUT the stupid things while PURPOSFULLY ignoring the smart things. Sound familiar?

If you are buying into the media perception without any questioning, if you are telling me you actually believe a spoof show over real, solid evidence, if you are going to sit there and say you really think all or even the majority of Americans are more stupid then the majority of any other people in the globe you are then forcing me to question your intelligence.
There are probably very few people over the age of 30 who have never said a single stupid thing. And most of the people who really haven't are probably mute.
Im quite sure America has about the same percentage of stupid people as anywhere else. All the Americans I have met have been quite clever, just look at the posters here.

Your President does seem like he went to school on the special bus though.
Amazingly, for a man who went to Harvard he has terrible public speaking skills. I bet his speach writers cringe each time he looks up and off to the left.
I'd say that is acted. Because they asked the same people more than 1 question (why not find more people) or they searched the dumbest people alive.

I mean COME ON, 3 world wars?! Everybody on the globe knows there were 2 world wars.

Besides, there are dumb people everywhere...not only in America. Don't you gotta love people who place other people in "boxes"?!

Americans are dumb, fat
Spaniards are angry
Belgians are boring
You just have.

Do you know what happened when the American redneck moved to England?

It raised the average IQ of both countries.