
Hey man, you can be in my gang. I only found one member so far and I only need one more. We call ourselves the 2guys1cup gang.

I'm the leader so I get to run the camera.
Gangs are fucking retarded. Why don't you use your pathetic existence in other ways? Like, I dunno, a real job and a contributing member of society? Instead of a deadbeat punk that everyone wants to see dead or locked up.

EDIT - Hopefully I will be in the next academy class for the State Highway Patrol of Ohio. And if I become a cop, you can bet your ass I'm going to harass every single gang member I see.
No, because they're the reason people don't walk the street anymore, the reason people are afraid to go anywhere themselves, or even walk outside of their home. It doesn't matter if you like gangs, I still think they're fucking pointless.

And you thinks cops are gay? Better hope I never pull you over =)
It's not a marijuana plant, it's a Buckeye leaf, as in the Ohio State Buckeyes. Also the official tree of Ohio.

i really do hope you dont pull me over, i dont think id want you to rape me with that huge e-cock of yours

edit: fag
only gangs around here are persian, east indian and asian. Yeah thats right my minorities are different from yours!!