
OK my clarification.
I have no issue with those who require the needed pot for disease. i am not without compassion.
I also congratulate those who have risen above addiction. I just don't see the need to put it on a pedestal.
Smoke pot, thats fine. I stated what I thought of it. It's my opinion. I'm a conservative too, so I gather I have political disagreement here too. That doesn't make me bad. Just opinionated.
As for the comparasin to retarded, Waterhead is a hick comment that is used where I live alot, out of context. So if I offended in that regard, please accept my apologies.
As for fag, I don't care if someone is gay. Enough with the PC it was a slam. It is so used now I doubt many look at it that way, if they do get thicker skin. I equate it to idiot, so then I will use that word instead.
Please take me for where I unfortunatly moved too, where people use the drug becuase it's something to do. Not everyone but alot. I see so many underachievers that just smoke up all day it just kills me.
When I was driving taxi and driving dealers around, listening to them talk of rehab and having to go back and back and back again because they were ordered to. How they haven't seen their kids in forever becuase they can't keep a job to pay support etc.
Maybe I am jaded and have seen the lazier, scummy side of it. I don't know.

I am quite aware it is not a violent drug. And not all users are bad people.

Not likely to change my opinion of it, but your points are well argued.

Maybe we can argue something else. Religion??
LOL No lets not.
No problems, mate. Hey, let's tackle a safer topic like: Conservative republican religious views and American foreign policy.
My personal feelings on weed are mixed.
For example, i have friends who would be clinicly depressed or on the bottle most days if it wasnt for the stuff. Also somtimes its just a relaxent or maybe somthing fun to do with your friends. There are also allot worse thnigs that you could do, for example you could go to a party, get compeltly lashed, throw up everywhere and kill half your brain cells. Or you could go out back with a few freinds and pass round a ooby? Its just an, easier somtimes safer alternative.
But! I am definetly not condonning weed in any way. I have also had many freins who have become hooked from just an 1/8 a week (about 6 joints worth) these people have somtimes ended up up hearing their own voices in their heads, not being able to concentrate at all (a little like ADHD) if they havnt been smoking that day and much worse. Also, although relitivly safe, these days weed ALLOT stronger these days, even ther Netherlands is concidering banning it. Thsi emans that it takews allot less for oner person to get hooked. This brings mer back to my alcahol point, with booze you are normaly finished with it after a morning, with the streangth of drugs these days you could qutie happily smoke to much one night and be high for more than a day or two. Finally serious problems with alcahol, in my opinion are allot easier to overcome than serious problems with weed. I was talking to one of my staff at cadets a few weeks ago, hes a docter and has seen people who hae got to deep. He says the stuff he saw just would stay with him forever. For instance some peopel simply retreat so far back into their heads that they can never be found. Ok thats a worst case scenareo, but it still may not be worth it.

I think thats all ive got... I'll post more if i remember any more arguments :p