Gawd, I feel ugly in London!

More so than in other places in the UK.

There are loads of attractive women all over the UK. In some [places though they may have more shops meaning they can easily keep up with the latest fashion.
They all look the same, though. Nothing original there. And I didn't realise this was only the case in London, although I expect it depends on exactly where you go in certain cities. I think it's better to focus on being yourself, and you'll stand out for that reason.
I love London! It's the only place you can have a completely crazy out-there style (not that I do but I love that you can) and not be laughed at! I'm nowhere near model pretty or tall but I don't feel insecure around the proper hardcore fashionistas because I know I have my own thing going on. Just be yourself! You can still be fashionable in a less high street/overexposed vintage store way.Find your own style.
Beauty can be so boring, you know. Honestly a lot of women like that only do things to cultivate their look, so all their money and time is absorbed.

I understand though, the initial shock is no fun. =/
London's like New New York in Futurama. All the ugly mutants lurk down in the underground, whereas all the beautiful, potential fashion icons let loose in the open (... don't want to say 'grimey') air of Oxford Street. You know, where everybody wants to be.


I really don't know the city well enough to make such claims. Judging by the standard of fitness I witnessed on the UCL open day, however, I do suspect that London in itself is a total babe magnet.
Never been elsewhere in the UK apart from London really. But if your looking for hoodies and frumpy stuff go harrow. :D
just go all the way and embrace your country-bumpkin dungarees-and-straw-hat ways.... It might come across as exotic!!
Better to just be yourself and relax than get caught up in the crazy, ceaseless fashion race.
if i was you i won't even care what people is wearing or what they look like cos i have no faith in them like you should.
I would say Central London is an exception, the rest of london is a **** hole

btw if you feel like that then I suggest you dont go Central london in the summer
Ok, being fit and healthy is a good idea; but don't go out of your way to ape others...that really is seriously ''uncool''! Dress to suit yourself, not some notion of 'what you ought to be' an individual and set your own standards of 'coolness'....stand up straight and look the world in the eye woman!
Hahaha, this.

I know vaguely what you mean, being in Camden means that everyone I walk past is effortlessly kooky and cool, without trying apparently. I don't really mind though :p: