Girl wants to bring a friend yet showed so many signs of interest. I'm confused?


Jun 28, 2008
So I met this exchange student and her friend today. I sat down and talked with both them, but mainly with this girl in particular. Her friend mostly talked to other people who came along. This girl seemed to be giving off good signals - playing with her hair, having her leg touch mine several times, etc. I asked for her number and she gave it while saying "Please call me!" I also got her Facebook.

Later, I sent her a text with my number since she didn't have it. Didn't expect her to reply. Next thing I know she starts a chat with me on Facebook saying she just got out of the shower. Things seem to be going pretty well (calling our meeting "amazing"). She even goes away from an hour while I left Facebook on idle (she does the same too apparently) and then came back for another 50 minute chat. But when push comes to shove and I suggest meeting again sometime, she says she wants to bring her friend "because she's always with me."

I'm confused. Everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly and now I don't know what's going on.
BFD, so she wants to bring her friend. She just meet you. Why wouldn't she bring someone along that she is comfortable with? Nothing to be confused about. Nothing is falling into place this quick.
It could be that her friend is more of a security type thing. she doesnt seem to know you that well and having her friend there is pbly easier. i wouldnt really worry about it!
She's probably scared to be alone with a boy. I know my friends always help me feel less intimidated. She definitely likes you, but she probably needs a little backup.