Girls Survey Only ?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Would you be able to live like they did back in the days when males were the dominant person and you guys could not do more then to be house wife and obey every order that ur guy told you ?
Well, considering it's 3:47 a.m. and I am the one awake and about to go to my part time job and then go to my full time job after that, I don't think the male in my house could handle it. He is sound asleep at the moment. Could the males of the world handle the financial responsibilities on just their income?

Sometimes I wish I could stay home and do housework all day. Don't get me wrong, I know taking care of the house and raising kids is tough, but I sure would not be up at this hour of the morning.
Not all men were overpowering dictators just because they were expected to 'take care' of their women. I expect my man to treat me w/ the respect & love men were supposed to back then... it's called a relationship. I in turn take care of him.
A real man is still dominant in his marriage.
The woman has a say, but when a deciding vote must be cast it's gonna be the man who makes that call.
I like having a guy help me out and maybe tell me what to do if I have no idea what I'm doing, but I want to have a choice to listen or not.
if i was forced to live that way then i'd kill myself... the only dominating i want going on is in the bedroom lol