Give me one good reason why I should vote for McCain?


Melba S

I know the general election is a ways off... but I'm wondering:Without mentioning either possible Democratic candidate, can you give me one good reason why I should vote for McCain?I'm not interested in hearing bad stuff about other candidates, no mud slinging, just why McCain should get my vote.
Islamic extremism is a viable threat to the US as proven by their actions; and McCain is the only one of the three willing to take that seriously; the others don't even view it as a real threat despite what happened on 9/11. Sad.
There is none. If you want the same Bush policies and 4 more years in Iraq, high gas prices,and a falling economy then he is your guy.
McCain hasa the best policies to keep another 9/11 from happening and is less likely to raise taxes.Eveything else between the canidates is pretty much the same
No good reason. Lots of bad reasons. Guess if you like someone who admits that we'll have "more wars" for "100 years" and that he knows nothing about economics, then he's your best bet.Edit: I want to change my answer. He loves his country and wants to fight terrorists.
He's not going to tax us like crazy and is dedicated to protecting our country when it needs it the most.
Because he won't higher your taxes.You also know he's honest because he admitted he'd support 100 years in Iraq, even though majority of the people are against that.
Because he is actually spending his time now doing something for this country.. and what is obama and hillary doing? they spend 99% of their time defending themselves against the media rather than spending their time telling us what they are going to do to make this country a better one.
National security...that's why, as an Independent, I'm voting for McCain. He has the most foreign policy experience and is the person I would want answering the "red phone" at 3 a.m. during these troubled times.
He cares about America and does not want to make up excuses or reasons as to why the government should help people that won't help themselves. He will at least gives me hope that the government will stay out of my home and personal life and let me raise my kids as my kids not by a state controlled anti-American pro-gay school system. I want change to, a change from Bush and his morons but I want the change McCain will bring.
He is not the blame America First mentality.He supports limiting Government involvement in everyday lives rather than proclaiming the Govt must take care of us and raises our taxes to support the Govt control.He changed his mind and is willing to make the tax cuts permanent.He understands the Muslim threat to America.
Because there is no question he loves this country. He and his family have proved it for generations. And I believe (even with some faults, because no one is perfect) he has this nations best interest at heart, not just his own.
He fully understands the threat posed to us by radical islamists aka terrorist. He fully understands what the position of the President of the United States is and that is Commander and Chief.
experiance, commitment to the betterment of this country. Best reason of all is look at your options, the alternatives are crazy.